Posted inBreaking News, National Defense, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Wildfire roundup for September 5th, 2017: Washington, Oregon, and Idaho are burning

For months, author­i­ties across the Pacif­ic North­west have been warn­ing that our region was fac­ing an extreme wild­fire risk this sum­mer that would only be exac­er­bat­ed by a lack of pre­cip­i­ta­tion. As we approach the autum­nal equinox, those fears have come to pass, with a series of dev­as­tat­ing fires burn­ing up and down the Cascade […]

Posted inNational Defense, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Hurricane Harvey’s impact worsens as rainfall continues to deluge greater Houston

Last week, as read­ers know, Hur­ri­cane Har­vey roared ashore in Texas, mak­ing its first land­fall at Rock­port around 03:00 UTC. It is the first hur­ri­cane to make land­fall in the south­ern Unit­ed States in twelve years, end­ing a record stretch that began fol­low­ing the dev­as­ta­tion caused by Hur­ri­canes Kat­ri­na and Wilma in 2005. Since then, Harvey […]

Posted inNational Defense, Policy Topics, World Commmunity

Mitch “Filibuster” McConnell furious after Senate Democrats thwart vote on Iran

The shoe is on the oth­er foot now, and it hurts: Repub­li­can efforts to stop the nuclear deal with Iran end­ed in fail­ure Thurs­day, thwart­ed by unflinch­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic sup­port for Pres­i­dent Oba­ma’s land­mark accord and famil­iar GOP infight­ing. With no clear strat­e­gy remain­ing to pre­vent the inter­na­tion­al­ly backed deal, Repub­li­can lead­ers in Con­gress were left […]

Posted inNational Defense, Policy Topics, World Commmunity

Horrible tragedy unfolding in Nepal following massive quake; thousands dead and injured

Last night, as most of the Pacif­ic time­zone was head­ed to bed or snooz­ing away fol­low­ing the end of anoth­er work­week, a mas­sive earth­quake struck Nepal, includ­ing the cap­i­tal of Kath­man­du. Ini­tial­ly report­ed as a mag­ni­tude 7.5 trem­blor by the U.S. Geo­log­i­cal Sur­vey, it was lat­er revised to 7.8. The quake stuck at a depth […]

Posted inNational Defense, Policy Topics, World Commmunity

Canadian authorities lock down the heart of Ottawa after shootings on Parliament Hill

Author­i­ties in Cana­da have locked down Par­lia­ment Hill, the heart of the coun­try’s nation­al cap­i­tal, Ottawa, after a yet-to-be-pub­­licly-iden­ti­­fied assailant fatal­ly shot a sol­dier guard­ing Canada’s War Memo­r­i­al, then entered Cen­tre Block and began fir­ing at peo­ple there before being killed by secu­ri­ty. Fit­ting­ly, the man who took the gun­man down was said to be […]

Posted inNational Defense, Policy Topics, Public Planning

President Obama signs emergency declaration for Washington State to help mudslide victims

Good news. This just in from the White House: Today, the Pres­i­dent declared an emer­gency in the State of Wash­ing­ton and ordered fed­er­al aid to sup­ple­ment state and local response efforts due to the emer­gency con­di­tions result­ing from flood­ing and mud­slides begin­ning on March 22, 2014, and con­tin­u­ing. The Pres­i­den­t’s action autho­rizes the Depart­ment of Homeland […]

Posted inEconomic Security, National Defense, Policy Topics

United States needs and deserves a budget that puts people — and the planet — first

Con­gress votes and the deal’s done. What does it mean? Wash­ing­ton’s senior U.S. Sen­a­tor Pat­ty Mur­ray and her nego­ti­at­ing part­ner Con­gress­man Paul Ryan have avert­ed yet anoth­er bud­get cri­sis head­ing into the 2014 bud­get nego­ti­a­tions. The Sen­ate still has to vote, but the House has, by a sur­pris­ing­ly large mar­gin, gone ahead and signed off on […]

Posted inNational Defense, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Theft of Victoria Clipper IV demonstrates the need for stronger port security

Ear­ly yes­ter­day morn­ing, the newest high speed cata­ma­ran in the Clip­per Nav­i­ga­tion fleet, the Vic­to­ria Clip­per IV, was stolen from its berth at Seat­tle’s Pier 69 by a reg­is­tered sex offend­er who lat­er told police he was try­ing to use the ves­sel to get to West Seat­tle. (Why he did­n’t just walk or take the […]