Posted inEvents

LIVE from New Orleans: Netroots Nation hears what progressive women of color are doing to lift up communities across America

Net­roots Nation 2018’s sec­ond ple­nary ses­sion fea­tured speech­es from Eliz­a­beth War­ren and Kamala Har­ris, but the high­light was a pan­el dis­cus­sion fea­tur­ing women lead­ers who are work­ing to lift up com­mu­ni­ties across Amer­i­ca through elec­toral orga­niz­ing and move­ment building. 

Posted inLive Coverage

LIVE from I‑5: We’re on our way to Olympia to turn in signatures for Initiative 1631

Good morn­ing from Inter­state 5! In just a few short hours, the Yes on I‑1631 coali­tion will be sub­mit­ting peti­tions to qual­i­fy to the Novem­ber statewide bal­lot a ground­break­ing ini­tia­tive that would put a price on pol­lu­tion in Wash­ing­ton State and use the rev­enue raised to fund a just and respon­si­ble tran­si­tion to a clean energy […]

Posted inLive Coverage

LIVE from the Crosscut Festival: Mayors of Cascadia

In the sec­ond after­noon ses­sion of the Cross­cut Fes­ti­val, the may­ors of Seat­tle, Van­cou­ver, B.C., and Port­land came togeth­er to dis­cuss what makes their cities and our region great, as well as the chal­lenges. The mod­er­a­tor was Knute Berg­er. Berg­er start­ed with some fun­ny com­men­tary on Van­cou­ver May­or Gre­gor Robert­son. He not­ed that many of […]