Posted inPolicy Topics

PNWcurrents Episode V is live: This month, we discuss the impacts of climate damage

Read the release announce­ment for the fifth episode of PNWcur­rents, NPI’s unique­ly region­al pod­cast. This episode fea­tures cli­ma­tol­o­gists Karin Bum­ba­co of Wash­ing­ton, Lar­ry W. O’Neill of Ore­gon, and Jef­frey Hicke of Ida­ho, who joined NPI’s Caya Berndt to dis­cuss the impacts of cli­mate dam­age on the Pacif­ic Northwest.

Posted inCivil Liberties

Representative Ayanna Pressley joins reproductive rights activists to discuss the necessity of expanding the Supreme Court

Read NPI’s recap of the Net­roots Nation 2021 fea­tured pan­el spon­sored by Demand Jus­tice, which brought Renee Bracey Sher­man, Katie O’Con­nor, Rep. Ayan­na Press­ley, Kelsey Ryland, Son­ja Spoo to dis­cuss why expand­ing the Supreme Court is crit­i­cal for pro­tect­ing repro­duc­tive rights.