Posted inAppreciations & Remembrances

Cecil Andrus: 1931–2017

For­mer Demo­c­ra­t­ic Ida­ho Gov­er­nor and Unit­ed States Inte­ri­or Sec­re­tary Cecil Andrus, a pil­lar in the con­ser­va­tion move­ment, has died of com­pli­ca­tions of lung can­cer, his daugh­ter Tra­cy con­firmed this morn­ing. He was eighty-five. Andrus lived a ful­fill­ing life and leaves behind a lega­cy worth appre­ci­at­ing. Raised in Ore­gon, he lat­er moved to Ida­ho and became […]

Posted inAppreciations & Remembrances

Andy Hill: 1962–2016

A key fig­ure in the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate’s Repub­li­can cau­cus has died after bat­tling a recur­rence of lung can­cer, his col­leagues and fam­i­ly divulged today. Sen­a­tor Andy Hill (R‑45th Dis­trict: Red­mond, Kirk­land, Sam­mamish, Wood­inville, Duvall) has been the Sen­ate’s chief bud­get writer since late 2012. He assumed the chair­man­ship of the Sen­ate Ways & Means […]

Posted inAppreciations & Remembrances

Frankie’s Pizza and Pasta closing after over two decades in Redmond: An appreciation

At the end of next week, one of the most beloved restau­rants in NPI’s home­town of Red­mond will be going out of busi­ness after a twen­­ty-three year run in the heart of the city’s com­mer­cial dis­trict — to the dis­may of many cur­rent and for­mer res­i­dents. Frankie’s Piz­za & Pas­ta has been a fix­ture on […]

Posted inAppreciations & Remembrances

In memoriam, fifteen years later

Today is the fif­teenth anniver­sary of the Sep­tem­ber 11th attacks, which destroyed New York’s World Trade Cen­ter, dam­aged the Pen­ta­gon, and claimed the lives of thou­sands of inno­cent Amer­i­cans. In hon­or of those who died that day, we’re repub­lish­ing a poem that we post annu­al­ly here on The Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate. Two thou­sand one, nine eleven […]

Posted inAppreciations & Remembrances

Ruth Woo: 1926–2016

Edi­tor’s Note: Respect­ed and wide­ly beloved Seat­tle com­mu­ni­ty activist Ruth Woo died this week at the age of eighty-nine.  News of her pass­ing has sparked an out­pour­ing of trib­utes.  “Over many, many years, Ruth Woo was a won­der­ful friend and men­tor to count­less Wash­ing­to­ni­ans. She was a trust­ed leader with a remark­able tal­ent for bringing […]

Posted inAppreciations & Remembrances, Public Service

Beau Biden: 1969–2015

For­mer Delaware Attor­ney Gen­er­al and Delaware Army Nation­al Guard Major Beau Biden, the son of Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, has died after suc­cumb­ing to brain can­cer, the Vice Pres­i­den­t’s office has announced. He was only forty-six. “It is with bro­ken hearts that Hal­lie, Hunter, Ash­ley, Jill and I announce the pass­ing of our hus­band, brother […]