Posted inElections

NYT admits its midterms coverage was wrongly wedded to a “red wave” narrative

“Not for the first time, a warped under­stand­ing of the con­tours of a nation­al elec­tion had come to dom­i­nate the views of polit­i­cal oper­a­tives, donors, jour­nal­ists and, in some cas­es, the can­di­dates them­selves,” the sto­ry penned by the trio of Jim Ruten­berg, Ken Bensinger, and Steve Eder acknowledged. 

Posted inPublic Service

Ranking and ready to chair: Rick Larsen is set to be the top Democrat on the U.S. House’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

Larsen will suc­ceed out­go­ing com­mit­tee chair­man, Oregon’s Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Peter DeFazio, who is retir­ing after serv­ing thir­ty-six years in Con­gress. He beat out D.C.‘s Del­e­gate Eleanor Holmes Nor­ton for the com­mit­tee’s top Demo­c­ra­t­ic spot. Larsen has served as chair­man of the panel’s Avi­a­tion Subcommittee.

Posted inPolicy Topics

Mr. Zelenskyy goes to Washington: D.C. offers a warm welcome to the President of Ukraine

Mak­ing his first trip abroad since the esca­la­tion of the war Putin began many years ago in an attempt to gob­ble up Ukrain­ian ter­ri­to­ry and weak­en the sec­ond largest coun­try in Europe, Zelen­skyy explained in a series of appear­ances that Ukraine is fight­ing against autoc­ra­cy and oppres­sion on behalf of the entire free world and needs all of the help that it can get from allies like the Unit­ed States. 

Posted inPublic Service

Councilmember Dave Upthegrove will be the 2023 Chair of the King County Council

“My pri­or­i­ty will be to sup­port and strength­en our demo­c­ra­t­ic insti­tu­tions and demon­strate that democ­ra­cy can work,” Upthe­grove said in a state­ment pub­lished by the Coun­cil. “Our guid­ing val­ue will be respect. This means respect for one anoth­er, for our excep­tion­al staff, and for the peo­ple we serve.”