Posted inElections

26th District hopefuls Adison Richards and Spencer Hutchins square off in Gig Harbor

Swing dis­tricts are where the “rub­ber meets the road” in pol­i­tics — where statewide majori­ties are made or lost. While Washington’s 26th Leg­isla­tive Dis­trict has not elect­ed a Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­date to the State House since 2012, Adi­son Richards’ per­for­mance in the Top Two sug­gests that could change this year.

Posted inPolicy Topics

New poll finds huge support for affordability-focused solutions to Bellevue’s housing crisis

NPI, Com­plete Streets Belle­vue, the Sight­line Insti­tute, East­side For All, and the Hous­ing Devel­op­ment Con­sor­tium (HDC) teamed up in the sum­mer of 2022 to ask Belle­vue res­i­dents about their views on the hous­ing mar­ket and hous­ing pol­i­cy. Read our ini­tial find­ings from that ground­break­ing survey. 

Posted inElections

Desperation time: Republicans fervidly pitch Tiffany Smiley as Senate takeover hopes dim

With an increas­ing cho­rus of pun­dits and jour­nal­ists assess­ing that the Repub­li­can Par­ty’s hopes of recap­tur­ing the Unit­ed States Sen­ate this year are dim­ming, nation­al and state Repub­li­cans are engag­ing in a big coor­di­nat­ed push to try to con­struct and sell the nar­ra­tive that Wash­ing­ton State is in play for the Repub­li­can Par­ty this year, despite a lack of evi­dence sup­port­ing that contention.

Posted inElections

Jaime Herrera Beutler lost because WA-03 is becoming a more normal, nationalized district

Her­rera Beut­ler is a vic­tim of the fact that the Repub­li­can coali­tion in her dis­trict became increas­ing­ly rur­al. She became reliant on pro-Trump vot­ers who saved her in 2018, and as a result, when she broke with and then con­tin­ued to crit­i­cize Trump, she scared them away and no longer had enough votes to win.

Posted inElections

Poll Watch: Trafalgar tries to bolster Tiffany Smiley’s longshot challenge to Patty Murray

Sub­jec­tive orga­ni­za­tions are per­fect­ly capa­ble of car­ry­ing out objec­tive research, but it appears that Trafal­gar­’s goal here (giv­en their deci­sion to pub­lish these unsup­port­able fig­ures) is to bol­ster Smi­ley’s long­shot can­di­da­cy, rather than mak­ing a cred­i­ble con­tri­bu­tion to the body of pub­lic opin­ion research in this race.