Posted inElections

Tim Eyman’s lawsuit to force more anti-tax propaganda onto 2022 ballots gets quashed

A pro se law­suit recent­ly filed by right wing provo­ca­teur Tim Eyman that sought to load up Wash­ing­to­ni­ans’ 2022 bal­lots with addi­tion­al anti-tax pro­pa­gan­da has end­ed in fail­ure after the State Supreme Court issued a spe­cial order deem­ing Eyman’s legal chal­lenge untime­ly, thus putting the kibosh on his scheme.

Posted inElections

Netroots Nation 2022 — Day Two — Redistricting: What Happened? What Did We Learn? What’s Next?

Michael Li of the Bren­nan Center’s Democ­ra­cy Pro­gram opened Fri­day after­noon’s redis­trict­ing pan­el at Net­roots Nation by stat­ing that although there have been his­toric gains in this redis­trict­ing cycle, “There are many maps in the coun­try that are still wide­ly skewed in favor of the par­ty that drew them.”