Colleen Echohawk in front of the Seattle skyline
2021 Seattle mayoral candidate Colleen Echohawk (Photo courtesy of the campaign)

In Novem­ber of 2015, then-Seat­tle May­or Ed Mur­ray (along with King Coun­ty Exec­u­tive Dow Con­stan­tine) held a press con­fer­ence to declare a state of emer­gency. That year had seen a dra­mat­ic rise of the city’s home­less pop­u­la­tion to over 2,800, and almost fifty unhoused peo­ple had already died on the streets. Seat­tle offi­cials unveiled a $5 mil­lion pack­age to address the crisis.

Six years lat­er, Seattle’s home­less pop­u­la­tion has rough­ly quadru­pled while city spend­ing to sup­port the unhoused has soared from around $40 mil­lion to $150 mil­lion every year. Home­less­ness is per­haps the defin­ing issue in Seat­tle pol­i­tics right now, eclips­ing even the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. It is the prob­lem that the 2021 may­oral can­di­dates have to con­vince Seat­tleites that they have the answers to.

The top can­di­dates have all offered home­less­ness action plans.

But plans come more eas­i­ly than con­crete progress. Can­di­dates who have been involved in city pol­i­tics for years already can be expect­ed to ask: “Why has this prob­lem been get­ting worse, not bet­ter, on your watch?”

One can­di­date who seems to be undaunt­ed by the thorni­ness of this prob­lem is Colleen Echohawk. She has spent decades work­ing in the non­prof­it sec­tor, most promi­nent­ly as the exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Chief Seat­tle Club, an orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing Seattle’s Native Amer­i­can home­less population.

While cur­rent May­or Durkan and the City Coun­cil have strug­gled to devise effec­tive poli­cies that serve the unhoused, Echohawk has been in the trench­es; her group cooks tens of thou­sands of meals, pro­vides essen­tial health­care ser­vices, and builds dozens of afford­able hous­ing units every year.

Colleen Echohawk
May­oral can­di­date Colleen Echohawk (Pho­to cour­tesy of the campaign)

While Echohawk’s best known rivals attempt to defend their records, Echohawk is point­ing to a robust his­to­ry of eas­ing the cri­sis from out­side of City Hall.

Echohawk’s lack of City Hall expe­ri­ence may give some vot­ers pause.

In New York, vot­ers are start­ing to shy away from may­oral can­di­date Andrew Yang, in large part due to his lack of knowl­edge about New York pol­i­tics.

But Echohawk is a very dif­fer­ent kind of can­di­date than Yang.

She brings expe­ri­ence to the table, along with plen­ty of polit­i­cal savvy; hers is just a dif­fer­ent kind of expe­ri­ence than the oth­er big names in the race.

Her lead­er­ship posi­tion among home­less­ness advo­cates has opened many doors for her: she sits on the All King Coun­ty Coor­di­nat­ing Board for Home­less­ness, the Down­town Seat­tle Association’s board, the Com­mu­ni­ty Polic­ing Com­mis­sion, the Seat­tle Foundation’s board, and the board of KUOW (Seattle’s local NPR station).

Along­side her impres­sive résumé, Echohawk can tout the recog­ni­tion, awards, and medals show­ered on her and the Chief Seat­tle Club by local gov­ern­ment, activist, and media organizations.

Echohawk’s sub­stan­tial “civic foot­print” (in the words of The South Seat­tle Emer­ald) is all the more impres­sive when tak­ing Seattle’s racial his­to­ry into con­sid­er­a­tion. In 1865, the city board of trustees passed an ord­nance that called for all Native Amer­i­cans to be forcibly removed from the city limits.

Through­out the nine­teenth and twen­ti­eth cen­turies, seg­re­ga­tion and redlin­ing hurt Native peo­ple, along with oth­er com­mu­ni­ties of color.

For Echohawk to have the influ­ence she does (let alone for her to have a shot at becom­ing the city’s first Native may­or) is a cred­it not only to her tal­ents, but to gen­er­a­tions of Native orga­niz­ers and lead­ers that came before her, fight­ing for the right to be includ­ed in Seat­tle, King Coun­ty, and Wash­ing­ton State politics.

Her cam­paign has worked assid­u­ous­ly to ele­vate the role of Native tribes in the con­ver­sa­tion. As not­ed by The Guardian, Echohawk decid­ed to run for may­or only after con­sult­ing local Coast Sal­ish trib­al elders to ask for per­mis­sion to run a cam­paign on their ances­tral ter­ri­to­ry (as a mem­ber of the Pawnee Nation and Athabas­can Peo­ple, her roots are in the Great Plains and Alaska).

She has also pledged to cre­ate an elder lead­er­ship group that she would meet with as may­or, to main­tain a dia­logue with the Native community.

In a crowd­ed may­oral race, Colleen Echohawk brings valu­able expe­ri­ence, new ideas, and an uncom­mon back­ground. For more on her plans for the future of Seat­tle, read my inter­view with her here.

Vot­ing in the August 2021 Top Two elec­tion will begin in less than two months, with bal­lots due back by 8 PM on August 3rd, 2021. The top two vote get­ting can­di­dates will advance to the Novem­ber gen­er­al election.

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