Republican gubernatorial candidate Loren Culp
Republican gubernatorial candidate Loren Culp

A few weeks ago, Gov­er­nor Jay Inslee cruised to reelec­tion by a his­toric mar­gin, secur­ing about 57% of the vote, just as our polling had fore­cast that he would. Now, a lit­tle more than a month lat­er, Inslee’s defeat­ed Repub­li­can oppo­nent Loren Culp is attempt­ing to con­test the results of the elec­tion in court, base­less­ly alleg­ing fraud and foul play with­out so much as a shred of evidence.

Culp and his cam­paign man­ag­er appear to have con­clud­ed that by pre­tend­ing they nev­er lost, they can go on sep­a­rat­ing fools from their mon­ey for months to come, just like the Trumps are doing at the fed­er­al level.

So they’re suing Sec­re­tary of State Kim Wyman, Wash­ing­ton’s only remain­ing Repub­li­can office­hold­er, to over­turn the elec­tion results.

Specif­i­cal­ly, they are demand­ing that a King Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court judge require that Wyman and the exist­ing state gov­ern­ment be “enjoined from plac­ing into office any indi­vid­ual claim­ing to have been elect­ed in the Novem­ber 3, 2020 gen­er­al elec­tion until the paper bal­lots, the vot­ing machines, and the vot­ing results have been exam­ined by a foren­sic audi­tor approved by plaintiff.”

And no, I’m not mak­ing this up.

To file their asi­nine law­suit, they turned to one of Tim Eyman’s best bud­dies: the racist con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist Stephen Pid­geon, who has a long his­to­ry of insti­gat­ing legal actions that go absolute­ly nowhere. Eyman and Pid­geon have been team­ing up for legal stunts all year long, most of them aimed at dis­rupt­ing Gov­er­nor Jay Inslee’s efforts to pro­tect Wash­ing­to­ni­ans from the threat of COVID-19.

I hope that in addi­tion to dis­miss­ing this suit with prej­u­dice, the judge who ends up with this mat­ter sanc­tions Stephen Pid­geon for wast­ing the court’s time. Pid­geon should be fined. At least in a court of law, there ought to be con­se­quences for lying and attempt­ing to pass off fab­ri­ca­tions as facts.

Culp and Pid­geon don’t have as much as one shred of evi­dence that the 2020 elec­tion was con­duct­ed improp­er­ly. That’s right, not so much as one shred. Instead, what they have are a big pile of false allegations.

For exam­ple, they stu­pid­ly allege that the coun­ties’ entire­ly nor­mal incre­men­tal results report­ing proves that the results were “anom­alous”:

Based on infor­ma­tion and belief, there are intol­er­a­ble vot­ing anom­alies found with­in the gen­er­al elec­tion results in Washington.

Although the Culp cam­paign pre­vailed in high­er votes than Trump through­out most of the state, the elec­tion vot­er count data col­lect­ed by Edi­son Research for the state of Wash­ing­ton dur­ing the peri­ods of 11/4/2020 @ 8:11PM through 11/24/2020 @ 4:40PM showed that Trump was lead­ing at the start of the vote counts (11/3/2020 @ 8:11PM), but it was quick­ly lost to Joe Biden on 11/3/2020 @ 8:21PM, when with­in 2 min­utes, Joe Biden received 81.08% of his win­ning votes until 11/3/2020 @ 8:22PM.

Any­one who knows any­thing about elec­tion results report­ing knows that unof­fi­cial elec­tions results change rather quick­ly in the min­utes fol­low­ing the dead­line to return bal­lots. That’s because each coun­ty has to upload its ini­tial tab­u­la­tion to the state, and these uploads nev­er come in at the exact same moment.

Noth­ing about the results report­ing on Novem­ber 3rd was nefar­i­ous or even strange. It was the same famil­iar pat­tern we see in pret­ty much every elec­tion. Because a few small very Repub­li­can coun­ties were the first to get their tab­u­la­tions up, any­one look­ing at right after 8 PM would have seen num­bers reflec­tive of the vote in a por­tion of Wash­ing­ton’s rur­al areas only.

It is a fact that Joe Biden and Kamala Har­ris led in every sin­gle count of bal­lots across the state through­out the entire­ty of the Novem­ber 2020 elec­tion by a com­fort­able mar­gin. It is also a fact that Jay Inslee did as well.

Facts, how­ev­er, do not mat­ter to Loren Culp and his crew. Since they did­n’t get the out­come they want­ed, they are attack­ing the process.

They haven’t got a snow­bal­l’s chance of chance of over­turn­ing the result, but that’s not why they’re doing this. They’re doing this because they want to keep the Culp for Gov­er­nor con going as long as pos­si­ble whilst simul­ta­ne­ous­ly under­min­ing the integri­ty of Wash­ing­ton’s elections.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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3 replies on “Loren Culp pulls a Trump, sues Washington State to overturn the election he just lost”

    1. We don’t have polls in Wash­ing­ton State, just acces­si­ble vot­ing cen­ters and same day reg­is­tra­tion sites. 

      It was appar­ent with­in min­utes, not hours, that Inslee was going to win based on the ini­tial returns. Pro­jec­tions, how­ev­er, have no bear­ing on the legit­i­ma­cy of a vic­to­ry. Only the offi­cial, cer­ti­fied returns mat­ter, not who is ahead or by how much on Elec­tion Night. 

      Do you mean the polling mar­gin of error, or the thresh­old defined in state law for a recount? 

      Inslee’s mar­gin of vic­to­ry has no con­nec­tion to the lack of legit­i­ma­cy in this case. Inslee could have won by five hun­dred votes instead of over five hun­dred thou­sand, and this suit would still have zero mer­it. There’s not a sin­gle alle­ga­tion in here with any foun­da­tion whatsoever.

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