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NO on I-976 campaign logo

The Seat­tle Times Com­pa­ny has just pub­lished its posi­tion on Tim Eyman’s Ini­tia­tive 976, urg­ing an emphat­ic no vote this Novem­ber, and it’s tru­ly a thing of beau­ty. Rarely have I read a more sat­is­fy­ing editorial.

This indict­ment of I‑976 is tru­ly a thing of beauty!

“In his lat­est bal­lot mea­sure, ini­tia­tive pro­mot­er Tim Eyman is over­reach­ing again,” the edi­to­r­i­al begins. “He con­jures a fan­ta­sy world in which Washington’s trans­porta­tion infra­struc­ture is com­plete, effi­cient and everlasting.”

Fan­ta­sy world… love it! The Times is spot-on; it’s as though Eyman is inhab­it­ing some weird alter­nate uni­verse. He has late­ly been false­ly claim­ing that I‑976 will have no adverse impact because there are bil­lions of dol­lars lying around that could be used to back­fill the cuts. But that’s a total fabrication.

Kudos to The Times for rec­og­niz­ing this.

“The real-life Ini­tia­tive 976 is a direct threat to Washington’s well-being,” the edi­to­r­i­al goes on to note, delv­ing into the grave impacts. “It would cut repairs to streets and bridges of six­ty-two dis­tricts across the state, delay vot­er-approved mass tran­sit in mid-con­struc­tion and cost tax­pay­ers more mon­ey in the long run. The statewide trans­porta­tion bud­get, includ­ing high­way con­struc­tion and the State Patrol, would be short­ed $4 bil­lion over the next decade.”

The total loss of rev­enue over ten years goes even high­er when you add in the amount of fund­ing that would be lost at the region­al and local levels.

“When The Seat­tle Times Opin­ion page recent­ly asked read­ers to send in their ques­tions about I‑976, con­cerns about the statewide con­se­quences came up repeat­ed­ly,” a lat­er pas­sage in the edi­to­r­i­al adds.

“Pro­grams that would be stripped of fund­ing can be found in every cor­ner of Wash­ing­ton, includ­ing trib­al tran­sit, para­tran­sit for peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties and the elder­ly, and earth­quake-proof­ing of bridges and tunnels.”

“Eyman seems not to care about col­lat­er­al dam­age of his mis­sion to “gut” Sound Tran­sit — as he described it to the East­side Repub­li­can Club — through I‑976.”

That Eyman address to the East­side Repub­li­can Club was record­ed by a friend of NPI and released through our Per­ma­nent Defense project ear­li­er this month. It was sub­se­quent­ly picked up on by Times colum­nist Dan­ny Westneat.

In the audio clip (which you can hear for your­self at PD’s web­site), Eyman can be heard mak­ing the fol­low­ing state­ment about his pri­ma­ry moti­va­tion for spear­head­ing an ini­tia­tive that slash­es vehi­cle fees (empha­sis ours):

I love the idea of every vot­er in the state being able to reg­is­ter their vehi­cle for a flat-rate, easy to under­stand $30, but what gets me gid­dy is the idea of rip­ping the heart out of Sound Tran­sit. This agency is so unac­count­able, so rogue, so com­plete­ly devoid of any real­i­ty that this is our one chance to be able to gut them like a pig, and that’s what I real­ly love about this ini­tia­tive.

The best part of the edi­to­r­i­al, though, is its conclusion.

“Noth­ing about I‑976 is a good idea, in terms of respon­si­ble gov­er­nance or pru­dent mon­ey man­age­ment,” the Times declares.

“Eyman asks vot­ers to buy a fal­si­ty that there’s some mirac­u­lous way to fund our state’s back­log of bridge, road and tran­sit needs.  Because the courts can­not end this tox­ic non­sense quick­ly enough, vot­ers must reject I‑976 themselves.”


Out­stand­ing, Seat­tle Times. Sim­ply out­stand­ing. Thank you for mak­ing the case against Tim Eyman’s I‑976 so well and so powerfully.

Join NPI and the broad coali­tion work­ing to Keep Wash­ing­ton Rolling in say­ing NO to Tim Eyman’s I‑976 this autumn. Bal­lots must be returned by Novem­ber 5th.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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One reply on “Seattle Times shreds Tim Eyman’s I‑976 with a powerful editorial urging a NO vote”

  1. I believe that [the pur­pose of] I‑976 is to get back license tab fees for the state rip­ping every­body off again, with [their] two face stan­dards, it has noth­ing to do with bridges and roads. Why do we pay $0.70 a gal­lon for gas tax­es, those are for roads and bridges, also on the license tabs are for roads, sales tax is for roads and bridges. This state always finds oth­er things to do with the mon­ey that is sup­posed to go to. 

    I’m sure half the mon­ey they get will go to build­ing hous­es for the homeless. 

    If the home­less want to do some­thing about their sit­u­a­tion they would­n’t be home­less, they don’t want to work,not when they can get a free hand­out from the state And or City, The state is good at redi­rect­ing funds. No account­abil­i­ty, with the peo­ple that are vot­ed in. 

    If get a refund I’m going to go to the casi­no and try and dou­ble my mon­ey, which the state should be tax­ing the casi­nos, but one of our gov­er­nors let that slide.

    This is just my per­son­al opin­ion. And if I’ve hurt any­body’s feel­ings I’m sorry.

    This com­ment has been edit­ed by NPI for com­pli­ance with our Com­ment­ing Guidelines.

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