Live coverage from the Crosscut Festival
Live coverage from the Crosscut Festival

Good morn­ing!  We’re here at the Cross­cut Fes­ti­val, tak­ing place on the Seat­tle Uni­ver­si­ty campus.

Orga­nized by news out­let Cross­cut, the Fes­ti­val is intend­ed to “bring togeth­er some of the bold­est thought lead­ers in pol­i­tics, busi­ness and social jus­tice activism to be inter­viewed live on stage by some of the finest jour­nal­ists in the Pacif­ic Northwest.”

There are over twen­ty pan­el dis­cus­sions today. We’ll be bring­ing you live cov­er­age from six of them, list­ed below.

9:00–9:45 AM: Bridg­ing the Cas­cade Divide

10:15–11:00 AM: Tax breaks for titans

11:30 AM-12:15 PM: When free speech becomes hate speech

2:00–2:45 PM: All the Pres­i­den­t’s men

3:15–4:00 PM: May­ors of Cascadia

4:30–5:15 PM: The GOP is dead. Long live the GOP!

Come back to NPI’s Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate through­out the day as we pro­vide cov­er­age of each of these panels.

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