Manka Dhingra and Jinyoung Englund
Manka Dhingra and Jinyoung Englund square off in a candidate debate

More Amer­i­cans have been killed as a result of gun vio­lence since 1968 than have died fight­ing for our coun­try on the bat­tle­field dur­ing its entire his­to­ry, yet Con­gress — which is cur­rent­ly con­trolled by the Repub­li­can Par­ty — con­tin­ues to refuse to take any mean­ing­ful actions that would address this pandemic.

That means that in the short term, states are going to have to lead the way in iden­ti­fy­ing and enact­ing solu­tions to save lives and pro­tect communities.

With­in the last three years, Wash­ing­ton has passed two laws to respond to the scourge of gun vio­lence. The first was Ini­tia­tive 594, approved in 2014, which requires uni­ver­sal back­ground checks on gun sales in the state. The sec­ond was Ini­tia­tive 1491, over­whelm­ing­ly passed last year, which allows fam­i­ly mem­bers to peti­tion the judi­cia­ry for extreme risk pro­tec­tion orders.

The pas­sage of I‑594 and I‑1491 were very pos­i­tive devel­op­ments for the well-being of all Wash­ing­to­ni­ans. But there is more we should be doing — much more.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, because Repub­li­cans have been in con­trol of the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate for the last few years, the Sen­ate has been a grave­yard of progress. Bills to require respon­si­ble gun own­er­ship have failed to gain any trac­tion, let alone a vote. In a mat­ter of weeks, though, the Sen­ate major­i­ty could flip… and if it does, it’ll be a new day in our state’s cap­i­tal, with bet­ter prospects for leg­is­la­tion we need.

Leg­is­la­tion like a new law ban­ning the sale of bump stocks, which Demo­c­ra­t­ic State Sen­ate can­di­date Man­ka Dhin­gra has said she will intro­duce immediately.

(Dhin­gra is vying to rep­re­sent the 45th Dis­trict as its next state sen­a­tor; if she wins, Democ­rats will con­trol the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate begin­ning at the end of Novem­ber, end­ing five years of Repub­li­can con­trol of the chamber.)

“It is unac­cept­able that we have one hun­dred gun deaths every day in this coun­try,” said Dhin­gra in a news release issued by the Sen­ate Demo­c­ra­t­ic campaign.

“I am tired of hear­ing about mass shoot­ings and school shoot­ings on the news. There are rea­son­able and real­is­tic steps we can take to make it hard­er for peo­ple to com­mit sui­cide with a gun, or per­pe­trate domes­tic vio­lence, or go on one of the ter­ri­fy­ing mass shoot­ings that have become all too com­mon. I am com­mit­ted to tak­ing imme­di­ate action by using my expe­ri­ence as a pros­e­cu­tor and advo­cate for men­tal health pol­i­cy in the Sen­ate to help keep our fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties safer.”

Specif­i­cal­ly, Dhin­gra wants to:

Ban bump stocks

Dhin­gra will work with Gov. Jay Inslee’s office and prime spon­sor leg­is­la­tion ban­ning bump stocks and oth­er devices that turn legal semi-auto­mat­ic firearms into effec­tive­ly ful­ly-auto­mat­ic machine guns. It has already been report­ed that the Las Vegas shoot­er had at least twelve guns mod­i­fied with bump stocks so they could fire hun­dreds of rounds per minute. This method cir­cum­vents laws already on the books intend­ed to pre­vent civil­ians from pos­sess­ing ful­ly auto­mat­ic weapons.

Close loop­holes for domes­tic vio­lence offenders

Cur­rent­ly in Wash­ing­ton state, those con­vict­ed of domes­tic vio­lence offens­es lose access to guns with one excep­tion: those con­vict­ed of domes­tic vio­lence (DV) harass­ment. As a law enforce­ment offi­cial, Dhin­gra has seen domes­tic vio­lence offend­ers take advan­tage of this loop­hole to keep their guns and put the vic­tims of their harass­ment at seri­ous risk. More than half of all women mur­dered with guns in the US are killed by inti­mate part­ners or fam­i­ly. When a gun is present in a domes­tic vio­lence sit­u­a­tion, it increas­es the risk of homi­cide for women by 500 per­cent. Dhin­gra will pro­pose leg­is­la­tion to close this loop­hole so all domes­tic vio­lence per­pe­tra­tors are equal­ly held accountable.

Bar indi­vid­u­als who have a his­to­ry of vio­lence and are found to be incom­pe­tent from hav­ing access to guns

When an indi­vid­ual is charged with a seri­ous or non-seri­ous mis­de­meanor offense and is found to be not com­pe­tent by a court of law to pro­ceed to tri­al, the case is dis­missed. Indi­vid­u­als who are charged with seri­ous mis­de­meanor offens­es who can­not go to West­ern State Hos­pi­tal for restora­tion ser­vices still keep their right to pos­sess a firearm, and Dhin­gra will close this loop­hole. In her time as a pros­e­cu­tor run­ning King County’s Region­al Men­tal Health Court, Dhin­gra has seen indi­vid­u­als with con­cern­ing his­to­ry of vio­lence go through the sys­tem repeat­ed­ly, uti­liz­ing loop­holes to stay in our com­mu­ni­ties all the while wait­ing for some­thing more seri­ous to hap­pen. We have to ensure that indi­vid­u­als who are charged with crimes, have been found to be not com­pe­tent due to men­tal dis­ease or defect and have a his­to­ry of vio­lence can­not access their guns.

After Dhin­gra and her team announced that she is ready to lead in com­bat­ing gun vio­lence as the 45th Dis­tric­t’s next state sen­a­tor, her Repub­li­can oppo­nent Jiny­oung Lee Englund made a state­ment of her own, in anoth­er “me too” moment.

“I sup­port enhanced back­ground checks,” Englund said. “I believe they are nec­es­sary to ensure crim­i­nals and those with men­tal ill­ness­es are not allowed to pos­sess a firearm and roam freely in our com­mu­ni­ties. I am com­mit­ted to find­ing real solu­tions to the prob­lem, and it begins with enhanced back­ground checks.”

Englund also made this dec­la­ra­tion in her state­ment: “I believe every day cit­i­zens should not be able to turn a gun into a ful­ly auto­mat­ic weapon.”

(We’re not sure what is meant by “every day cit­i­zens”, but guess­ing that means any­one who’s not a ser­vice­mem­ber or law enforce­ment officer.)

Read the whole thing, though, and notice that while Englund pays plen­ty of lip ser­vice to “solu­tions”, there’s no com­mit­ment to intro­duce or shep­herd through the Sen­ate any spe­cif­ic ideas to com­bat our gun vio­lence pan­dem­ic. Nowhere does Englund pledge to intro­duce a bill to enhance back­ground checks, for example.

And that’s because, regard­less of whether Englund’s stat­ed beliefs are sin­cere, she and the oper­a­tives run­ning her cam­paign know full well that if she wins, it means more leg­isla­tive inac­tion on pri­or­i­ties like gun respon­si­bil­i­ty — because she is the twen­ty-fifth vote the Repub­li­cans need to pre­serve the sta­tus quo in Olympia.

Top Sen­ate Repub­li­cans like Mark Schoesler and Mike Pad­den — whose financiers are bankrolling Englund’s cam­paign — are firm­ly in the pock­et of the gun lob­by, includ­ing the Nation­al Rifle Asso­ci­a­tion (NRA). They’ve giv­en no indi­ca­tion what­so­ev­er they are open to buck­ing the NRA and work­ing with Democ­rats to advance nec­es­sary mea­sures to pro­tect Wash­ing­to­ni­ans from gun violence.

As long as Schoesler is major­i­ty leader and Pad­den con­trols the Sen­ate Law and Jus­tice Com­mit­tee, the Sen­ate will remain a grave­yard of progress on this and many oth­er press­ing issues, as Sen­a­tor Jamie Ped­er­sen explained to the Seat­tle Times:

“Nothing’s going to hap­pen if we’re not in con­trol,” said Ped­er­sen, the rank­ing Demo­c­rat on the Sen­ate Law and Jus­tice Com­mit­tee. [Ped­er­sen is Pad­den’s coun­ter­part.] “And if we do take con­trol, then I think there are some things we can def­i­nite­ly do.”

As for an out­right ban on assault weapons, “I think that’s a non­starter for now,” he said.

While he acknowl­edged that no law would be cer­tain to stop gun vio­lence, Ped­er­sen said pass­ing leg­is­la­tion over time would tight­en the laws enough to cut down on gun deaths.

Among Englund’s finan­cial back­ers are the Gun Own­ers Action League of Wash­ing­ton, which is on the record as opposed to bills requir­ing safe stor­age of guns and allow­ing the destruc­tion of for­feit­ed firearms.

The group has giv­en $1,000 to Englund’s campaign.

Englund told The Seat­tle Times she does­n’t agree with all of the group’s posi­tions. But that does­n’t mat­ter. The gun lob­by knows that if Englund wins, Schoesler and Pad­den stay in charge, and will retain the pow­er to kill off any gun safe­ty bills they don’t like. The gun lob­by can over­look Englund’s diver­gence from the par­ty line. They need her to enable their accom­plices in the Sen­ate to stay in power.

What ulti­mate­ly mat­ters to them is the major­i­ty, not what Englund tells East­side vot­ers in an effort to attract sup­port for her candidacy.

It is impor­tant that every vot­er in the 45th under­stands this dynamic.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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