Seal and Outline of The Great State of Washington
Seal and Outline of The Great State of Washington

Fed­er­al­ism is com­ing to the res­cue of our plan­et, and not a moment too soon. Today is one of those days to be grate­ful to our founders for devis­ing a plan of gov­ern­ment that requires pow­er to be shared between the fed­er­al government.

We don’t usu­al­ly run press releas­es in their entire­ty. But we believe this one is worth shar­ing. It’s real­ly impor­tant news. It’s vital that peo­ple out­side of the Unit­ed States under­stand that the resis­tance to Don­ald Trump will not stand by as Trump and his regime attempts to abdi­cate Amer­i­ca’s moral leadership.

In response to Pres­i­dent Trump’s deci­sion to with­draw from the Paris Cli­mate Agree­ment, New York Gov­er­nor Andrew Cuo­mo, Cal­i­for­nia Gov­er­nor Edmund [Jer­ry] G. Brown Jr., and Wash­ing­ton State Gov­er­nor Jay Inslee today announced the for­ma­tion of the Unit­ed States Cli­mate Alliance, a coali­tion that will con­vene U.S. states com­mit­ted to uphold­ing the Paris Cli­mate Agree­ment and tak­ing aggres­sive action on cli­mate change.

“I am proud to stand with oth­er gov­er­nors as we make sure that the inac­tion in D.C. is met by an equal force of action from the states,” said Inslee. “Today’s announce­ment by the pres­i­dent leaves the full respon­si­bil­i­ty of cli­mate action on states and cities through­out our nation. While the president’s actions are a shame­ful rebuke to the work need­ed to pro­tect our plan­et for our chil­dren and grand­chil­dren, states have been and will con­tin­ue to step up.”

“The White House’s reck­less deci­sion to with­draw from the Paris Cli­mate Agree­ment has dev­as­tat­ing reper­cus­sions not only for the Unit­ed States, but for our plan­et. This admin­is­tra­tion is abdi­cat­ing its lead­er­ship and tak­ing a back­seat to oth­er coun­tries in the glob­al fight against cli­mate change,” said Gov­er­nor Cuomo.

“New York State is com­mit­ted to meet­ing the stan­dards set forth in the Paris Accord regard­less of Washington’s irre­spon­si­ble actions. We will not ignore the sci­ence and real­i­ty of cli­mate change which is why I am also sign­ing an Exec­u­tive Order con­firm­ing New York’s lead­er­ship role in pro­tect­ing our cit­i­zens, our envi­ron­ment, and our planet.”

New York, Cal­i­for­nia and Wash­ing­ton, rep­re­sent­ing over one-fifth of U.S. Gross Domes­tic Prod­uct, are com­mit­ted to achiev­ing the U.S. goal of reduc­ing emis­sions 26–28 per­cent from 2005 lev­els and meet­ing or exceed­ing the tar­gets of the fed­er­al Clean Pow­er Plan.

“The Pres­i­dent has already said cli­mate change is a hoax, which is the exact oppo­site of vir­tu­al­ly all sci­en­tif­ic and world­wide opin­ion,” said Gov­er­nor Brown. “I don’t believe fight­ing real­i­ty is a good strat­e­gy — not for Amer­i­ca, not for any­body. If the Pres­i­dent is going to be AWOL in this pro­found­ly impor­tant human endeav­or, then Cal­i­for­nia and oth­er states will step up.”

Togeth­er, New York, Cal­i­for­nia and Wash­ing­ton rep­re­sent approx­i­mate­ly 68 mil­lion peo­ple – near­ly one-in-five Amer­i­cans – and the states account for at least 10 per­cent of green­house gas emis­sions in the Unit­ed States. Cal­i­for­nia will con­tin­ue to work close­ly togeth­er with oth­er states to help fill the void left by the fed­er­al government.

With input from all par­tic­i­pants, the U.S. Cli­mate Alliance will also act as a forum to sus­tain and strength­en exist­ing cli­mate pro­grams, pro­mote the shar­ing of infor­ma­tion and best prac­tices, and imple­ment new pro­grams to reduce car­bon emis­sions from all sec­tors of the economy.

Now that the Alliance is formed, the next step is to get oth­er states to join and work on devis­ing an inter­state com­pact or some sort of oth­er agree­ment that com­mits the states to aggres­sive­ly reduc­ing emis­sions. States par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Alliance should aspire to meet high­er tar­gets than what the Paris accords envision.

Ore­gon, Vir­ginia, and Hawaiʻi should be invit­ed to join the Alliance imme­di­ate­ly. The num­ber of states with gov­er­nors who rec­og­nize the need for cli­mate action may grow fol­low­ing next year’s midterms, and there will be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to fur­ther expand the alliance in defi­ance of Trump, Pruitt, and their minions.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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10 replies on “Washington, California, New York announce formation of United States Climate Alliance”

  1. I’m sor­ry, but where was your protest against oth­er immoral pres­i­dents? The point to stop Teump and his regime’s abdi­ca­tion of moral lead­er­ship is laugh­able con­sid­er­ing we’ve have pres­i­dents recent­ly that have done just as much that is moral­ly cor­rupt as Trump has, if not more. I get that he’s a polar­iz­ing fig­ure and I’m not try­ing to advo­cate entire­ly for him. It just seems sil­ly that moral­i­ty would come into play like he is the only pres­i­dent that has been chal­lenged on cer­tain top­ics. He most cer­tain­ly is not. Sounds like pro­tes­tors need to stop for­fet­ting his­to­ry and cool off a bit.

  2. The Trump reac­tion will prob­a­bly be to start enforc­ing fed­er­al mar­i­jua­na laws. That means that tax dol­lars from the crop shrink, while police will be back into the busi­ness of bust­ing pot smok­ers. I’m not exact­ly a pot advo­cate, but fed­er­al enforce­ment would prob­a­bly not be a pos­i­tive step at this time.

  3. I ful­ly agree with these state to take over the US com­mit­ment to the Paris accord includ­ing the bil­lions of dol­lars the the US was sup­pose to pay into the fund. While I believe the Unit­ed States will con­tin­ue to take the nec­es­sary steps to reduce the car­bon foot­print with­out these three states. I encour­age the rest of the coun­try not to join these three states leav­ing the comit­ted to the finan­cial bur­den. Also would like all mid­west states refuse New York trash in land­fills in our states. We don’t need New York pol­lut­ing ten rest of the nation i think the Unit­ed States would be a bet­ter nation if the states of New York and Cal­i­for­nia wetenot a part of it.

  4. Appar­ent­ly trolls have algo­rithms to find any arti­cle with even a hint of not total­ly mov­ing g trump per num­ber 1 com­menter who is entire­ly off top­ic. But of course I will hap­pi­ly add that as to moral­i­ty’ this is one area in which trump and his bil­lion­aire mul­ti­mil­lion­aire regime def­i­nite­ly comes in num­ber one. 

    But the top­ic here is Trump abdi­cat­ing our coun­ty’s lead, LEAD, in pro­mot­ing reduc­ing CO2 emis­sions as the pre­em­i­nent poluter of the entire world. We, as a nation, under Barack Oba­ma did some­thing great, even though it was not bind­ing. It was some­thing to be proud of and to strive to make bet­ter. Yes it would even­tu­al­ly elim­i­nate fos­sil fuel jobs, BUT the rapid­ly expand­ing and evolv­ing clean ener­gy sources will more than make up for those loss­es with jobs that pay well and that are safer for the workers.

    It is a very good thing that my state, Wash­ing­ton, my sis­ters state Cal­i­for­nia and across the coun­ty trump’s own state New York have reached out to the world by form­ing the Unit­ed States Cli­mate Alliance. Hop on board Ore­gon and togeth­er we can block those oil and coal trains from pol­lut­ing our rivers and towns in their rush to fur­ther enrich trumps cronies. You can bet that their prof­its are not going to increase wages or health insur­ance for the work­ers who haul these dirty fuels. Time for fos­sil fuel to take its place in his­to­ry as we move on to some­thing clean­er, bet­ter and more profitable.

  5. So whose going to pay the UN the 100 bil­lion a year that they will sup­pos­ed­ly give to Chi­na, India, Pak­istan, to help them out? This is noth­ing more than a plan for one world gov­ern­ment head­ed by the UN. I guar­an­tee you the mon­ey will sim­ply go in the pock­ets of some slimey head of state. Noth­ing will change in Amer­i­ca as far as pro­grams to research and devel­op more clean ener­gy in Amer­i­ca. No one is stop­ping the pri­vate sec­tor from doing what they’ve been doing! It sim­ply means we won’t be flush­ing 100 bil­lion a year down the toi­let and break­ing our econ­o­my! Do you actu­al­ly TRUST the UN?? They have proven them­selves to be a most cor­rupt orga­ni­za­tion. I don’t sup­port this in any way and if gov­er­nor Inslee insists on break­ing our states econ­o­my many peo­ple will move out of here. Who amongst you can afford to have your pow­er bills quadru­ple, or gas cost­ing $8 a gal­lon? Not me, and not oth­er senior cit­i­zens I know.

  6. A 4th gen­er­a­tion Cal­i­forn­ian and present­ly a res­i­dent Wahing­to­nia! Proud to be a part of the alliance.….save our plan­et for future generations!

  7. We at Chick­en Soup and Angels sup­port most every­thing that could improve the plan­et’s envi­ron­men­tal health. One can­not eat, drink or breathe cash. Nei­ther can plants and ani­mals. The meek shall inher­it the earth may well be refer­ring to cockroaches,bedbugs, ants and such. IF we, the human pol­luters, do noth­ing to reverse the dam­age done to the only home we’ve been entrust­ed with in the Uni­verse, we may become the casu­al­ties of the next mass extinc­tion event.
    I doubt that the bugs and any oth­er sur­viv­ing species will miss us much!
    Kudos to those of us doing as much as we can to reduce, elim­i­nate and reverse all forms of pollution.
    Enjoy this mar­velous day and every day…just don’t pol­lute while doing so.
    Thanks bunches.
    P.S. Please, stop spit­ting where feet and paws may tread. be a con­sid­er­ate smok­er and user of alco­hol and what­ev­er you’re using syringes for. Dis­pose those butts, bot­tles, cans and nee­dles prop­er­ly. It’s your choice to con­sume cer­tain prod­ucts. PLEASE, Choose not to pol­lute the ground we all share.
    Let’s all keep the neigh­bor­hoods clean and safer for us all. Don’t litter.
    Thanks bunch­es for listening.
    Bea­rOOO, just the same.

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