Posted inPolicy Topics, Technology, World Commmunity

Obama administration strikes back at Putin regime for interfering in 2016 U.S. elections

It’s a start: Pres­i­dent Oba­ma struck back at Rus­sia on Thurs­day for its efforts to influ­ence the 2016 elec­tion, eject­ing 35 sus­pect­ed Russ­ian intel­li­gence oper­a­tives from the Unit­ed States and impos­ing sanc­tions on Russia’s two lead­ing intel­li­gence ser­vices. The admin­is­tra­tion also penal­ized four top offi­cers of one of those ser­vices, the pow­er­ful mil­i­tary intel­li­gence unit […]

Posted inElections, Party Politics, Public Service

Thanks, Tim Eyman, for reminding us you’re incapable of comprehending our Constitution

Noto­ri­ous ini­tia­tive prof­i­teer Tim Eyman has been active in Wash­ing­ton State pol­i­tics a very long time — around twen­ty years, in fact. And as read­ers of the Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate are well aware, Tim has made sell­ing destruc­tive right-wing ini­tia­tives his full time occu­pa­tion… to the detri­ment of Wash­ing­ton State. The major­i­ty of the ini­tia­tives Eyman has […]