Map of Super Tuesday states
Map of Super Tuesday states (By Jp16103 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0)

We are now out of Feb­ru­ary, and into the sec­ond month of nom­i­nat­ing sea­son. The pres­i­den­tial sweep­stakes con­tin­ue with Super Tues­day, one of the most impor­tant events on the cal­en­dar. Eleven states are hold­ing pri­maries and cau­cus­es today. Most of those states have both Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Repub­li­can con­tests, but a few only have con­tests between can­di­dates from one of the two major parties.

Here’s the list:

State/Territory # of (D) Delegates# of (R) DelegatesType
Alaba­ma6050 (P)Open
Alas­ka Cau­cus (R) N/A28 (P)Closed
Amer­i­can Samoa Cau­cus (D)10 N/AOpen
Arkansas3740 (P)Open
Col­orado Caucuses7937 (Unbound)Closed
Democ­rats Abroad17 N/AClosed
Geor­gia11676 (P)Open
Mass­a­chu­setts11642 (P)Mixed
Min­neso­ta Caucuses9338 (P)Open
North Dako­ta Cau­cus­es (R)N/A28 (Unbound)Closed
Okla­homa4243 (P)Closed
Ten­nessee7658 (P)Open
Texas252155 (P*)Open
Ver­mont2616 (P)Open
Vir­ginia11049 (P)Open
Wyoming Cau­cus­es (R) N/A29 (Unbound)Closed

And here’s a run­down of mass media pro­jec­tions so far. These are cur­rent as of mid­night Pacif­ic Time (first moments of March 2nd). We’ll begin with the Democrats:

Win­ner: Hillary Clinton

  1. Arkansas
  2. Alaba­ma
  3. Geor­gia
  4. Mass­a­chu­setts
  5. Ten­nessee
  6. Texas
  7. Vir­ginia

Win­ner: Bernie Sanders

  1. Ver­mont
  2. Okla­homa
  3. Min­neso­ta
  4. Col­orado

And now, the Republicans.

Win­ner: Don­ald Trump

  1. Alaba­ma
  2. Arkansas
  3. Mass­a­chu­setts
  4. Geor­gia
  5. Ten­nessee
  6. Ver­mont
  7. Vir­ginia

Win­ner: Ted Cruz

  1. Texas
  2. Okla­homa
  3. Alas­ka

Win­ner: Mar­co Rubio

  1. Min­neso­ta

Sev­er­al states have not report­ed any results yet, so there will be more con­tests to add these columns as the night goes on. So far, though, fron­trun­ners Clin­ton and Trump have rout­ed their oppo­nents in sev­er­al major states.

Clin­ton and Sanders have both spo­ken to their sup­port­ers as of 6:06 PM Pacif­ic. Clin­ton basked in the glow of vic­to­ry in half a dozen states, while Sanders rel­ished his big win in his home state of Ver­mont and vowed to push on. Both can­di­dates most­ly hewed to themes and lines from their stump speech­es. Sanders spoke from Burling­ton, Ver­mont, while Clin­ton spoke from Mia­mi, Florida.

Estab­lish­ment dar­ling Mar­co Rubio, who has yet to win a sin­gle state (though he was ahead in Arkansas for awhile ear­li­er tonight and could win Min­neso­ta) began speak­ing around the same time that Hillary Clin­ton wrapped up her remarks.

MARCH 2ND MIDNIGHT UPDATE: Pro­jec­tions for all states are now in.

Fron­trun­ners Hillary Clin­ton and Don­ald Trump had very good nights, with each win­ning sev­en states. Bernie Sanders won four states, while Ted Cruz won three and Mar­co Rubio won one. Repub­li­cans John Kasich and Ben Car­son did not win any states, though Kasich was com­pet­i­tive with Trump in Vermont.

Six states and Puer­to Rico have nom­i­nat­ing events this week­end. Most of those events are cau­cus­es. Louisiana, how­ev­er, will be hold­ing a primary.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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