Bernie Sanders greets the "yuuuge" crowd at Safeco Field
Bernie Sanders greets the "yuuuge" crowd at Safeco Field (Photo: Andrew Villeneuve/NPI)

Ver­mont Sen­a­tor Bernie Sanders will like­ly wind up with a com­mand­ing vic­to­ry over for­mer Sec­re­tary of State Hillary Clin­ton in Wash­ing­ton’s 2016 Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial precinct cau­cus­es, ear­ly results sug­gest.

Wash­ing­ton Demo­c­ra­t­ic Cau­cus­es — Pre­lim­i­nary Results
Sat­ur­day, March 26th, 2016

Can­di­datePer­cent­ageLeg­isla­tive DelegatesNation­al Delegates
Bernie Sanders74.7%5,536 (so far)18 (est)
Hillary Clin­ton25.1%1,931 (so far)5 (est)

The state par­ty has an offi­cial results page pow­ered by the Asso­ci­at­ed Press.

“Wash­ing­ton, thank you for your huge sup­port! It is hard for any­body to deny that our cam­paign has the momen­tum,” the Sanders cam­paign tweet­ed.

The Clin­ton cam­paign has not yet react­ed to the mass medi­a’s pro­jec­tions that Sanders will win Wash­ing­ton (as well as Alas­ka), but ear­li­er today, it was urg­ing sup­port­ers in those states plus Hawaii to turn out for Hillary.

Clin­ton’s cam­paign antic­i­pat­ed that Sanders could do well in Wash­ing­ton, Alas­ka, and Hawaii, which are all cau­cus states.

Wis­con­sin and Wyoming will be the next states to hold nom­i­nat­ing con­tests, on Tues­day, April 5th, and Sat­ur­day, April 9th.

After that, the race shifts to the Atlantic seaboard, with con­tests in New York, Con­necti­cut, Delaware, Mary­land, Penn­syl­va­nia, and Rhode Island.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Bernie Sanders on his impres­sive vic­to­ry in Wash­ing­ton State, and kudos to every­one who had a hand in mak­ing Wash­ing­ton’s Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial precinct cau­cus­es hap­pen this morning.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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One reply on “Bernie Sanders wins Washington’s 2016 Democratic presidential precinct caucuses”

  1. Bernie vot­ers: Even if you’re already reg­is­tered to vote, check your reg­is­tra­tion sta­tus NOW (it takes two min­utes). Thou­sands were denied their right to vote in Ari­zona because of vot­er irreg­u­lar­i­ties (google it). Check your sta­tus now at:

    Reg­is­tra­tion dead­lines are often well in advance of your state’s pri­ma­ry or cau­cus. Here are reg­is­tra­tion dead­lines for upcom­ing pri­maries and cau­cus­es that are closed (mean­ing if you want to vote for Bernie, here are your dead­lines to reg­is­ter as, or change par­ty affil­i­a­tion to democrat):

    Rhode Island: Must reg­is­ter by March 27 for pri­ma­ry on April 26
    Penn­syl­va­nia: Must reg­is­ter by March 28 for pri­ma­ry on April 26
    Delaware: Must reg­is­ter by April 2 for pri­ma­ry on April 26
    Mary­land: Must reg­is­ter by April 5 for pri­ma­ry on April 26
    Ken­tucky: Must reg­is­ter by April 18 for pri­ma­ry on May 17
    West Vir­ginia: Must reg­is­ter by April 19 for pri­ma­ry on May 10
    Con­necti­cut: Must reg­is­ter by April 21 for pri­ma­ry on April 26
    Ore­gon: Must reg­is­ter by April 26 for pri­ma­ry on May 17
    New Mex­i­co: Must reg­is­ter by May 10 for pri­ma­ry on June 7
    New Jer­sey: Must reg­is­ter by May 17 for pri­ma­ry on June 7
    Cal­i­for­nia: Must reg­is­ter by May 23 for pri­ma­ry on June 7
    South Dako­ta: Must reg­is­ter by May 23 for pri­ma­ry on June 7
    Wash­ing­ton DC: Must reg­is­ter by May 23 for pri­ma­ry on June 14
    Wis­con­sin has an open pri­ma­ry where par­ty affil­i­a­tion does not mat­ter. Reg­is­tra­tion at polling place with proof of at least 28 days residency.

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