May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

— Tra­di­tion­al Irish blessing

We may still be in the midst of Lent as spring gets under­way, but the parish com­mu­ni­ty of St. Jude in Red­mond has rea­son tonight to cel­e­brate the mys­tery of the Res­ur­rec­tion ear­ly: its found­ing pas­tor, Ger­ald F. Lovett, was lift­ed up to God this morn­ing after a life­time of cheer­ful and com­pas­sion­ate service.

Father Gerald Lovett
Father Ger­ald F. Lovett: 1935–2015; pho­to cour­tesy of St. Jude Catholic Church

Nei­ther the parish nor the Arch­dio­cese of Seat­tle have made an offi­cial announce­ment yet, but St. Jude fam­i­lies have been shar­ing the news with each oth­er all day, and a few parish­ioners have post­ed fond remem­brances on Facebook.

Father Lovett was the pas­tor of St. Jude Catholic Church for some twen­ty-five years, begin­ning with the parish’s found­ing in 1978, before it had a per­ma­nent home at the cor­ner of NE 104th and NE 166th in woody north Redmond.

Appoint­ed by then-Arch­bish­op Ray­mond Hunthausen, Lovett brought ener­gy, vital­i­ty, and a much-appre­ci­at­ed Irish wit to the young parish community.

St. Jude’s found­ing fam­i­lies cel­e­brat­ed their first litur­gy on Sep­tem­ber 16th, 1978, at Red­mond Mid­dle School. Just three years and a month lat­er, the parish moved into its new build­ing, with Hunthausen join­ing Lovett for the ded­i­ca­tion of its altar.

Over the next two decades, Lovett would con­tin­ue to shep­herd the grow­ing parish as the City of Red­mond expe­ri­enced tremen­dous growth. He bap­tized quite a few of Red­mond’s Catholic mil­len­ni­als dur­ing those years — includ­ing yours truly.

Lovett was born in Kil­moy­ley Coun­ty, Ker­ry, Ire­land on Decem­ber 1st, 1935. One of twelve chil­dren, he hailed from a fam­i­ly that was very devot­ed to the Catholic Church. Accord­ing to a sto­ry on his retire­ment pub­lished by the Arch­dio­cese of Seat­tle, five of his nine sis­ters became women reli­gious. And he was not alone among his peers in decid­ing to take holy orders: thir­ty of his one hun­dred mem­ber high school grad­u­at­ing class chose to enter the seminary.

The afore­men­tioned sto­ry gives a good account of his ser­vice as a young priest:

Ordained for the Arch­dio­cese of Seat­tle at St. Mary’s Cathe­dral in Kilken­ny on May 31, 1959, Father Lovett was an assis­tant at St. James Cathe­dral Parish and then at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Seattle.

After earn­ing a mas­ter’s in social work from Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., he returned to the arch­dio­cese and served as assis­tant direc­tor of Catholic Char­i­ties (now Catholic Com­mu­ni­ty Ser­vices) for eight years, while also serv­ing sev­er­al of those years as pas­tor of St. Paul Parish in Seattle.

St. Jude would be Lovet­t’s final post­ing. By the Arch­dio­ce­se’s reck­on­ing, he start­ed out with a com­mu­ni­ty of about four hun­dred fam­i­lies. By the time he retired in mid-2003, more than 2,300 fam­i­lies belonged to the parish.

To say that Father Lovett was beloved by the fam­i­lies he served would be an under­state­ment. He had a great sense of empa­thy and con­nect­ed with every­body. He was also an excel­lent homilist. I can still vivid­ly remem­ber him end­ing one of his ser­mons with these words: “We are an East­er peo­ple — Alleluia, Alleluia!”

He also liked to say, “God’s crazy about you!”

Father had a great sense of humor and loved to joke with parish­ioners. In 1997, after return­ing to St. Jude after a spir­i­tu­al retreat in Ire­land, he respond­ed to a sil­ly Inter­net rumor about Bill Gates buy­ing the Catholic Church by quip­ping, “I was­n’t on sab­bat­i­cal. I was on a com­mit­tee nego­ti­at­ing with Microsoft over the takeover.”

Father remained in touch fol­low­ing his retire­ment from St. Jude.

On May 16th, 2005, he called and left me a voice­mail express­ing his sheer delight at hav­ing opened that morn­ing’s edi­tion of the Seat­tle Post-Intel­li­gencer to find a guest col­umn by me rebut­ting an obnox­ious Tim Eyman op-ed that had run in the paper only a few days pri­or. (It was my first op-ed in print.)

I’ll nev­er for­get lis­ten­ing to that con­grat­u­la­to­ry mes­sage. Father was over­joyed that one of his flock was stand­ing up to defend Wash­ing­ton against Tim Eyman’s destruc­tive ini­tia­tives. I could tell the col­umn had real­ly res­onat­ed with him. He encour­aged me to keep on build­ing Per­ma­nent Defense and NPI — and I have.

I had the plea­sure of vis­it­ing with Father on his sev­en­ty-eighth birth­day back in 2013; that was the last time I saw him. When I greet­ed him, he remarked that I was very tall and asked me if my work with NPI was going well. (Hav­ing won a huge vic­to­ry with the defeat of Eyman’s I‑517 just a month pri­or, I assured him it was.)

Lat­er, while we were vis­it­ing, I asked him what he thought of Pope Fran­cis. Father smiled broad­ly and declared, “He should have come fifty years ago!”

Father was one of those peo­ple who could say a lot with­out actu­al­ly say­ing a lot. Even when he did­n’t have a homi­ly or ser­mon pre­pared, he would still speak with con­vic­tion. And when­ev­er he had some­thing to say, peo­ple listened.

A fel­low St. Jude parish­ioner cap­tured Father’s remarks on his sev­en­ty-fifth birth­day back in 2010 on video. Watch, and you’ll get a mea­sure of the man Father was.

It sad­dens me to think I’ll nev­er get an oppor­tu­ni­ty to vis­it with Father Lovett again. The Church has lost a good and gra­cious man, a kind and devot­ed shep­herd. But I am com­fort­ed in know­ing he is with the Lord now. East­er came ear­ly for him this year. Father spent a life­time preach­ing the Gospel and min­is­ter­ing to the peo­ple of the Pacif­ic North­west. Today, he got to share in Christ’s Res­ur­rec­tion himself.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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51 replies on “Father Gerald F. Lovett: 1935–2015”

  1. He’s been a part of our life since the birth of St. Jude’s parish. We would like to know if there is a ser­vice or a place to send dona­tions to?
    Rox­ine & family

  2. Father Lovett mar­ried Jim and I at St. Paul’s Parish in 1976. He was a remark­able priest and a friend to all who knew him. Father Lovett always wel­comed our fam­i­ly with a smile, a hand­shake and a hug. He will be missed and our fam­i­ly finds com­fort in know­ing he is now with our mom and dad.

  3. Father’s death was announced this morn­ing at Sacred Heart church in Palm Desert where Bill & I are vaca­tion­ing. My fav thing Father would say to me & I hope I was­n’t the only one, “Susie, You are SO good.…but you could be so much bet­ter!” I love that his fam­i­ly is from the same coun­ty in Ire­land as mine! I know he rests now in Jesus’ arms !

  4. I was 17 the year I first met Fr. Lovett and was part of the inau­gur­al mass at St. Judes. He offi­ci­at­ed at my wed­ding in 1981 and bap­tized my three daugh­ters. He also was present at my Moms ser­vice in 2011 and while he need­ed a lit­tle help he still had that same sense of humor and wit. I vis­it­ed him sev­er­al times in the past 6 months and will miss him dear­ly. Nev­er have I met a fin­er human. Rest in peace Father and give Mom a hug for me.

  5. So many times he told me I was SO good, but could be so much bet­ter. I for­got that. Thanks for remind­ing me Susan Mor­gan. Strange­ly, I thought of him yes­ter­day. Had not seen him since 1999, so the thought came out of the blue. Guess I know why now.

  6. My sweet Father Lovett… No words can ever express the love, and respect I had for this man these past 34 years. My phone call to him in 1981 regard­ing the bap­tism of my son Richie began a won­der­ful friend­ship between us that I will for­ev­er be grate­ful for. In these past 34 years we shared many mem­o­rable times togeth­er, whether it be lunch, din­ner, cut­ting his hair, or just a phone con­ver­sa­tion to say hel­lo. These past 11 years while liv­ing in Ari­zona my hus­band Gary and I had the plea­sure of Father vis­it­ing our home twice for a week at a time. What joy he brought to our home. And we would always make sure to see Father on our vis­its to Seat­tle each year. That time spent with him here in our home, and in Seat­tle will be cher­ished for the remain­der of my life. I am blessed to have received a grand­moth­er clock from Father two years ago as he knew how much I liked them, and want­ed me to have his to remem­ber him by. It is proud­ly dis­played in our liv­ing room. His clock has always had great mean­ing to me, but now even more with his pass­ing. The beau­ti­ful chimes I hear every 15 min­utes will be a dai­ly reminder to me of the beau­ti­ful man I knew as my priest and friend. I last vis­it­ed with him in Seat­tle this past Sep­tem­ber with my hus­band. We had a won­der­ful vis­it with him but saw the declince in his health then. In this last month while speak­ing with him by phone I knew my time with him was sad­ly com­ing to an end. I have been prepar­ing for this loss for some­time, but had no idea the sad­ness it would bring to me upon the news of this beau­ti­ful mans pass­ing yes­ter­day. I find com­fort com­fort in know­ing that Father is in heav­en now, rest­ing with our dear Lord. What an inced­i­ble mark he left on this earth for all that had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to know him. I know he did for me. How blessed I am to have had him in my life for so many years… to call him my friend. This dear man I called “My sweet Father Lovett”. For­ev­er you will live in my heart dear man… Rest in Peace. xo

  7. Excel­lent trib­ute to a great man. Thank you.
    Our fam­i­ly brought up the gifts at that first St. Jude’s mass in the Red­mond Junior High cafe­te­ria. My dad was a lec­tor and in charge of the altar servers, my broth­er and I were both altar servers, and my mom was a CCD teacher. So many great mem­o­ries of grow­ing up in that parish, and of Fr. Lovett. The 75th birth­day video is fan­tas­tic — lis­ten­ing to his voice and his lov­ing and good-humored take on faith brings me right back to those rust-uphol­stered pews. He went out right: St. Patrick­’s Day on earth, East­er in heav­en. Rest in peace!

  8. Dur­ing the fall of my sopho­more year at Red­mond High I attend­ed a SEARCH retreat at St. Jude’s. I knew nobody at the retreat and was in the park­ing lot try­ing to decide if I should go into the retreat. Father saw me and came up to talk about the same time as one of the Team approached. On the name badges we made for the retreat, we put our favorite song in one cor­ner. The Team mem­ber had Baba O’Ri­ley as her song and com­ment­ed about my Who selec­tion as well. When Father read “Don’t Get Fooled Again” he said some­thing about the first time I was fooled.

    With that break­ing the ice for me, I went to the retreat and had a great time. That one sim­ple inter­ac­tion still sits with me all these years later.

  9. Such a great man, always made time for every­one. I met FR. Lovett when I was prob­a­bly 10, 31 years ago. I lived one street away from him and would use his trail to get to church. Thank you. Jen­nifer Vukonich Clark

  10. My Mom was the sec­re­tary of St. Judes from the begin­ning. I was in first grade I believe when she worked from the rec­to­ry, and mass was held at Red­mond Junior High. I would walk to the church many times from school, even through high school. I went to see Mom, Judy Evers, and Father Lovett on my way to my first dance, and I remem­ber him danc­ing with me, my first dance les­son. He always called my his Jody Vahn­na. Father Lovett was so great with those fierce hugs that could crack bones, the smiles that lit up rooms, and yes the great hom­i­lies as well. I also remem­ber being told that we were so good, but could be so much bet­ter. What a great les­son. I also have always recalled that his great­est les­son to all of us was to be as Jesus. And smile. See­ing this video was a great reminder. Father will always be in my heart.

  11. I have nev­er met a more lov­ing and car­ing soul that taught us dai­ly how to live our lives. With Grace! He will be missed and remem­bered always in so many hearts. 

    May the angels come and greet Him when he enters the Kingdom.

    An exam­ple for us all to aspire to.

  12. We have known Fr. Lovett ear­ly on from St. Paul’s Parish. He was the favorite amongst so many peo­ple of the parish, but he was tru­ly mine and my hus­band’s favorite Priest. He was always so invit­ing and always went out of his way to make you feel com­fort­able. He will be great­ly missed. Rest Peace­ful­ly Father Lovett.

  13. I have known Fr.Lovett since the Red­mond JH cafe­te­ria days. He was the most lov­ing and car­ing priest I have ever met. He knew us all by name; he even came to watch my son pitch in a Lit­tle League game so many years ago! Who does that any­more? When my son’s wife died 5 years ago, he some­how found out and called to talk and com­fort him. Two years lat­er, when my son passed, he con­tact­ed me. He knew what to say and it meant so much to both of us. Fr. Lovett, you were the very best of the best! May you rest in peace.

  14. Two years ago Father Lovett made the con­sid­er­able effort to vis­it the East­side Catholic cam­pus and have lunch with a small group of staffers. I feel so priv­i­leged, personally,to have spent that time with him and I know our school was par­tic­u­lar­ly blessed by his pres­ence — a gift from God.

  15. I could always count of Father Lovett. His words of encour­age­ment and mer­ry hel­los always made me feel right with God and the world .

  16. Hi
    Thanks for the great trib­ute to my uncle Fádie (as our fam­i­ly called Fr Lovett in Ire­land) — I sent the link to my mum — his sis­ter and she has tak­en great solace from the kind words at this sad time. She and I got to vis­it him at St Jude’s in Red­mond in 2001 and were real­ly enam­oured with his com­mu­ni­ty. He was a great anchor for our fam­i­ly and we were all his favourite nieces and nephews of course.
    Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam dhílis (may his loy­al soul sit at the right side of God).

  17. Andrew, that was a love­ly trib­ute. Hear­ing his voice on the video was a great gift. He was one of the first priests I real­ly knew. I may have known him longer than any of you, as he helped our fam­i­ly in 1966 when he was at Guadalupe and my cousin Jim Fife was killed in Viet­nam. I was only 10 years old. He may very well be one of the rea­sons I’ve stayed Catholic, as his love and com­pas­sion dur­ing that awful time left a mark on me. We stayed in touch over the years. He thought I should be a nurse, but I became a teacher. When I was a teenag­er, he would say, with his Irish wit, “Oh, Stephanie, if I were younger and you were old­er, I would­n’t be a priest!” Lat­er on, he’d greet me by say­ing, “How’s the best third grade teacher in Seat­tle?” He just had a way of mak­ing you feel like a mil­lion bucks. He always made us laugh. At the same time, he made you want to do better.
    We last saw him up at Prov­i­dence Mt. St. Vin­cent last Decem­ber. His mem­o­ry had fad­ed, but I know he knew I was a flash from the past. Our god­daugh­ter from Hon­duras was with us, and Father, ever the flat­ter­er, talked more with her than he did to us! Some things nev­er change. Rest in peace, dear friend. You’re the best.

  18. Dear Fr. Lovett,
    As “found­ing” parish­ioners of St. Jude’s, it is because of you I returned to the church and Rick became a catholic. You did act as Jesus would have, with great com­pas­sion and love. I’m sure you “had some explain­ing to do” when you arrived, as you said you would, but I know you were wel­comed by Him with open arms. Well done, good and faith­ful ser­vant! We love you!

  19. Father Lovett inspired me as a teenag­er. He was a man of faith and integri­ty. He is the only man of the cloth that ever answered my ques­tions to my sat­is­fac­tion. I will nev­er for­get him. He gave me the nick name of Lil’ Hutch dur­ing my reli­gious edu­ca­tion years. (My old­er broth­er was Hutch) I will miss you Father Lovett, rest in peace dear friend.…

  20. Father Lovett graced each and every­one of us who knew and loved him! What a priv­i­lege it is to send home to our God in Heav­en such a man of joy whose entire life was one of thanks­giv­ing in his praise of God. When Father Lovett would vis­it my class­room at Holy Names Acad­e­my and rec­og­nize, by call­ing out the names of stu­dents, his paris­hon­ers, their delight­ful faces told the sto­ry of how Christ­like he was for and to them. May each of us share in his Eter­nal Peace by our lov­ing prayers.

    Sis­ter Rose­mary Perisich,snjm
    Holy Names Academy

  21. I first met Fr. Lovett as a CYO camper at Camp Don Bosco. He was dear­ly beloved by all the campers and staff. Time rolled on and I had the great joy of him offi­ci­at­ing my mar­riage at St. Paul’s. He intro­duced my hus­band and I at the end of the cer­e­mo­ny as “Mr. and Mrs. KJR” as that was where I worked at the time. Loved his smile, voice, twin­kling eyes, and crush­ing hugs. He will be missed and I so loved that I knew him.

  22. Such a won­der­ful priest and man. Father Lovett touched all of us. He always called us the #1 team at church func­tions, he always made us feel special.I so enjoyed my time on the parish coun­cil with him.I still, to this day, miss his ser­mons. He had a way of touch­ing your heart.

    Heav­en will be such an excit­ing place with Father their. We will miss you, but you have touched our lives forever.

  23. When I was young I had ter­ri­ble tourette syn­drome ticks. I remem­ber going to a heal­ing mass where I recieved his bless­ing. Over night all of my worst ticks were gone. I was left with only a minor occa­sion­al eye tick that reminds me to nev­er for­get what the holy spir­it did for me through him. God bless you Father Lovett and thank you for touch­ing my life with so much wis­dom and so many blessings!

  24. Great human being. Best smile and lov­ing grace always flow­ing. My Father and Moth­er were devot­ed to Father dur­ing his tenure at St.Paul’s and after. We enjoy fam­i­ly din­ners at our house with father as our guest with fond mem­o­ries of the fun times we shared lov­ing and laugh­ing with passion.

  25. I met father Lovett at St. Paul’s parish along with Sis­ter Ilene dur­ing my CCD years he was there for our class­es as well as my first holy com­mu­nion. you will be tru­ley missed but nev­er for­got­ten R.I.P. father

  26. There will nev­er be anoth­er like him. He is already in Heav­en. Our deep­est sym­pa­thy to his fam­i­ly in Ire­land, par­tic­u­lar­ly Declan & Nora.

  27. I always hoped he would be with us for­ev­er. He made the world a bet­ter place. Paula was lucky to know Father Lovett grow­ing up in West Seat­tle while he was at Our Lady of Guadalupe. He would come to Col­mon Pool at Lin­coln Park for a swim and per­haps a break, but kids would sur­round him to hear that warm laugh and I don’t think he got a moments peace. Every com­mu­ni­ty he lived in ben­e­fit­ted from his gen­uine love and spark for life. He taught us how to BE a community.
    When we moved to Red­mond in the days of meet­ing at the School cafe­te­ria, we were thrilled to know we would be in Father Lovet­t’s lov­ing care again. Our kids received their Sacra­ments from him. We join with all of you to cel­e­brate his lov­ing Spir­it that he shined on all of us. We were lucky to learn from him and can all ‘pass it on’ to hon­or him. The Yocum Family.

  28. I was 10 in 1966 when Father Lovett was the assis­tant Pas­tor at Our Lade of Guadalupe in West Seat­tle. All of the kids loved him. He taught us how to play Irish foot­ball at recess (kind of a ball game where 2 teams keep a ball from the oth­er team that we had such a blast play­ing). He also made the rounds to peo­ples homes on sun­ny days and all the kids in our neigh­bor­hood would ask him to kick the soc­cer ball straight up in the air.much to our glee. I saw him a few times in lat­er years and was always amazed at how he could remem­ber our names. He was so kind to every­one who knew him. Loved his smile a twin­kle in his eyes. He was tru­ly a man of God who lived his faith and he was an inspi­ra­tion to us all. Rest in peace Father until we meet again.

  29. It is with a heavy heart that I learned of the pass­ing of this great man, priest and fam­i­ly friend. My fam­i­ly and I were blessed to meet Fr. Lovett when I was trans­ferred to Seat­tle in 1993 and we made our home in Wood­inville. As active parish­ioners we had the true delight of know­ing this beau­ti­ful man as he would attend our daugh­ter Sarah’s bas­ket­ball games at Red­mond HS. He was a warm and lov­ing man and giant among men. May God Bless your soul Father and thank you for bless­ing me and my family.

  30. Heav­en will be even more fun now…
    For me Father Lovette was the face of God in our world.
    He had a ” for­ev­er” sup­ply of love and com­pas­sion for us all.
    My girls ( now grown) remem­ber his bone crush­ing hugs too.
    His hom­i­lies were instruc­tive and at the same time funny.I am remem­ber­ing the day he attempt­ed to explain how a Holy Names girl was dif­fer­ent than a For­est Ridge girl… Many of us were rolling in the aisles by the time he got out of that cor­ner. My con­do­lences to his fam­i­ly in Ire­land. Thank you for shar­ing him with us.

  31. I went to see Fr Lovett before the church was built in Red­mond. I had been divorced and was then remar­ried. I want­ed to prac­tice my Catholic faith even though I nev­er received a annul­ment of my first mar­riage. I went to Holy Fam­i­ly and the priest said I must get an annul­ment. I then went to see Father Lovett. He said that what­ev­er I felt in my heart is the right thing to do. We did a con­fes­sion and it was real­ly a beau­ti­ful moment. I thanked him and got up to leave. He threw a box of envelopes at me and said “Deb­bie, we are build­ing a new church”.
    This is only one of many sto­ries I have with Father Lovett. We worked out at the same gym and had some pret­ty fun­ny expe­ri­ences with him there.
    What a lov­ing, won­der­ful man. Heav­en has cer­tain­ly gained a fab­u­lous angel.
    St Jude’s has nev­er regained what it was when Father Lovett was at the helm.

  32. I remem­ber Father Lovett and his out­stand­ing humor.He was a great friend of the Corrigan/Perri Clan
    He always called my mom Aun­tie Bea. He had a great spir­it. He will be great­ly missed

  33. I had known Father Lovett since camp Don Bosco days and also as our parish priest at St. Paul’s. He bap­tized my hus­band Jim, short­ly before he mar­ried us in 1981 and also bap­tized one of our sons. He was my guid­ing light through the dev­as­tat­ing loss of our infant daugh­ter in 1992. He tru­ly was an amaz­ing per­son and priest. He will be missed.

  34. Father Lovett was our child­hood priest at St. Paul’s Parish. I was sad to hear the loss but tru­ly appre­ci­at­ed the video and arti­cle. It brought back so many spe­cial mem­o­ries of how he made our fam­i­ly smile with laugh­ter on Sun­day morn­ing with his won­der­ful sense of humor. He will be great­ly missed. God Bless.

  35. Father Lovett, Thank You for your guid­ance & being a great indi­vid­ual. I remem­ber when you were at Our Lady of Guadalupe in West Seat­tle & my mom was parish sec­re­tary. Those were very spe­cial times. 

    Gary DuPuy

  36. My Dear Father Lovett,
    When we first moved from New Jer­sey in 1968, we were so home­sick for our extend­ed fam­i­ly we left behind. Although “Catholic Tourists” as you so fond­ly ref­er­enced us, your love and sup­port for our fam­i­ly last­ed for 47 years. You mar­ried us, bap­tized our chil­dren, and stood by us with the pass­ing of our father. You nev­er left our side through the most dif­fi­cult times of our lives. A true exam­ple of the teach­ings of Jesus Christ. I thought of you this morn­ing, and cried as I began my day know­ing this would be the first morn­ing with­out you. As I got in my car, “You Have A Friend” was the first song play­ing on the radio. I know in my heart this was a mes­sage from you to wipe away my tears. I will be call­ing out your name, because I know you will be there.…because we tru­ly have a friend and priest who is still lis­ten­ing. Love and God Bless! The Walker/Dilley/Mapp/Taylor/Berger/Wyman

  37. Father Lovett will be missed dear­ly by the Tarte fam­i­ly and Roche Har­bor com­mu­ni­ty. Father Lovett often vis­it­ed the fam­i­ly at Roche Har­bor and we enjoyed his ser­mons at Our Lady of Good Voy­age Chapel. He tru­ly was a trea­sure. God Bless.

  38. Lis­ten­ing to Father speak at his 75th brings back mem­o­ries of his ser­mons, always kept you captivated.Memories of from Ger­ard Lovett will live on for­ev­er. GOD BLESS YOU FATHER, REST IN PEACE WHILE ALL YOUR LOVE SHINES DOWN ON YOUR CHILDREN

  39. A great man who made a last­ing impact on so many lives. He will for­ev­er be a bless­ing to those of us for­tu­nate enough to have known him. Thank you Father and rest in peace.

  40. Met Father Lovett as camper at Camp Don Bosco in 1960. Will always remem­ber his state­ment in chap­lains hour, “God first, your neigh­bor sec­ond and me ‘third’ ”.

  41. A great man of who brought so many to God, who shared the faith with us all who got to know him, a true bless­ing in all our lives. God bless you Father, rest in peace.

  42. Fr. Lovett is a true shep­herd that tend­ed his flock shar­ing Gods love and his love for all of us who knew him. He will for­ev­er live in our hearts. My alo­ha Fr. Lovett, thank you for tak­ing care of us so well with love, com­pas­sion, con­vic­tion of faith and your charm­ing humor…

  43. Father Lovett was the only thing that kept me inter­est­ed in the church. He tran­scend­ed any one par­tic­u­lar reli­gion and in a time when Catholi­cism took its lumps he was a bea­con of qual­i­ty and virtue. I only wish that he could have per­formed my wed­ding in Hawaii but he said he was not up for that kind of trav­el. The earth has list a man that brought togeth­er peo­ple of all faiths and beliefs and was inclu­sive before that was accept­able. We are all rich­er in hav­ing him touch our lives. God bless.

  44. You know that line in “It’s a Won­der­ful Life” where the angel Clarence tells George Bai­ley that a per­son nev­er real­ly real­izes all the oth­er peo­ple they have touched in their lives? I like to think Father Lovett knew that. Sure­ly he does now.
    He was the epit­o­me of a per­son who “cast a wide net” and made Red­mond a bet­ter place to live.…and not just for Catholics. In some ways he seemed an exten­sion of the phi­los­o­phy of Pope John XXIII.
    On a per­son­al note he made our fam­i­ly feel imme­di­ate­ly wel­comed at St. Jude. After mov­ing to the area in 1986 he asked us what we were doing one beau­ti­ful Sun­day after mass. Had we ever been to Hur­ri­cane Ridge, his favorite spot in the state? Lat­er that day we made that trip. We return there every so often and think of him. Next time we’re up there on the moun­tain top (and often above the clouds), we will know that he is there with us…only higher.

  45. I will nev­er for­get Father Lovet­t’s com­ment to me one day: “God’s House is built of many build­ings”. That mes­sage helped me immense­ly at a time when I most need­ed it. Father Lovett will be in my heart forever!

  46. Dear­est Father Lovett:
    “May the Wind Be Always At Your Back”
    You will be great­ly missed.
    Loved hav­ing you, Fr. Walsh, Fr. Quinn and
    Fr. Hef­fer­nan to our home for dinner.
    God Bless,
    Bette and Gene

  47. Father Lovett was such a friend and men­tor to so many! When our twin girls were born three months ear­ly, in 1979, Father rushed to the UW after Sun­day mass and bap­tized them. He came to us with open arms and a tear­ful smile. And gave them their names. What peace he brought with him. He so kind­ly helped us through the pass­ing of one of our pre­cious babies.

  48. We first met Fr. Lovett in 1979 at his home in Red­mond (pri­or to the fin­ish of con­struc­tion of St Jude; when he so kind­ly Bap­tized our Daugh­ter. It was then that he rec­om­mend­ed the name of Megan as we had not cho­sen a name pri­or to her birth (she is now Megan).

    Move ahead 6 years and Megan was mak­ing her first rec­on­cil­i­a­tion Fr. Lovett was a vis­it­ing Priest to assist– we were able to get Megan to Fr Lovett who he had not seen since the Bap­tism — we intro­duced her to him with “we bring Megan back to you” his eyes lit up and he knew exact­ly who we were; and with a big lov­ing hug he pro­ceed­ed with Megan’s first rec­on­cil­i­a­tion. We lat­er had a gath­er­ing in the church; and whole time Fr. Lovett held Megan’s hand.

    She will nev­er for­get this lov­ing day.

    Again move for­ward 15 years and we all were at St Jude’s for Megan’s mar­riage to Brett — the cer­e­mo­ny was won­der­ful and lov­ing; and remem­bered by all; espe­cial­ly my Irish Moth­er by remem­ber­ing Fr. Lovet­t’s joke that he had a 2’by 4′ in the back of the church for Megan to keep Brett in line.

    What a won­der­ful man and the pure def­i­n­i­tion of love — he will be for­ev­er be in the lov­ing sup­port of Jesus Christ; where his faith has led him now.

  49. Father Ger­ald Lovett,

    “The more we love and receive, the greater the loss!”
    Movie, 1965; ‘The Sound of Music’
    you expressed as one of your favorites. “The Hap­pi­est Sound in All of the World!” “Climb Ev’ry Mountain!” 

    “May the road rise to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    the rains fall soft upon the fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

    LOVE AND PRAYERS ALWAYS / Bob & Car­ol along with all of the Kniev­el Family

  50. We met Father Lovett after we came here from Hawaii in 1984.

    We loved him very much and enjoyed his friend­ly, lov­ing, and teas­ing personality.

    I nev­er was able to know when he was teas­ing and when seri­ous, some­times he felt sor­ry after real­iz­ing that I was real­ly wor­ried. We will nev­er for­get him, and will pray that the Lord will receive him in the palm of his hand. 

    He def­i­nite­ly left a mark in this world and our lives, mak­ing them all bet­ter after he moved on. Bless­ings to you and a great big fam­i­ly hug for you.

  51. Very sad to see this, but what an amaz­ing man. He lived across the street from us, and would come over and watch car­toons with us. Very inspi­ra­tional man, and kind. RIP.

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