Posted inBreaking News, Education, Policy Topics

Supreme Court finds Legislature in contempt for failing to fully fund Washington’s schools

This morn­ing, the Wash­ing­ton State Supreme Court unan­i­mous­ly found the State of Wash­ing­ton — and more specif­i­cal­ly, the State Leg­is­la­ture — in con­tempt for fail­ing to com­ply with its ear­li­er rul­ings in the McCleary case, which found that the state is not ful­fill­ing its para­mount duty under Arti­cle IX to make ample pro­vi­sion for the […]

Posted inHolidays

In memoriam, thirteen years later

Today is the thir­teenth anniver­sary of the Sep­tem­ber 11th attacks, which destroyed New York’s World Trade Cen­ter, dam­aged the Pen­ta­gon, and claimed the lives of thou­sands of inno­cent Amer­i­cans. In hon­or of those who died that day, we’re repub­lish­ing a poem that we post annu­al­ly here on The Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate. Two thou­sand one, nine eleven […]