Posted inElections

Ready, set, match! Fall congressional contests taking shape thanks to today’s election

Back in May, more than fifty indi­vid­u­als filed paper­work (either in per­son, by mail, or elec­tron­i­cal­ly) to for­mal­ly declare their can­di­da­cies for Unit­ed States House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives in one of Wash­ing­ton’s ten con­gres­sion­al dis­tricts. By the time the August win­now­ing elec­tion is cer­ti­fied lat­er this month, only twen­ty will be left, with near­ly half of […]

Posted inElections

Suzan DelBene cruising in early returns; redrawn 1st District looks safely Democratic

Ever since Wash­ing­ton’s 1st Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict was redrawn back in 2011, it has been wide­ly char­ac­ter­ized as the state’s most even­ly divid­ed polit­i­cal sub­di­vi­sion… a true “tossup” dis­trict if there ever was one. But look­ing at tonight’s win­now­ing elec­tion results, a new­com­er to Wash­ing­ton pol­i­tics might be for­giv­en for think­ing that the 1st is a district […]

Posted inBreaking News, Elections

Senate challengers Matt Isenhower, Irene Bowling looking strong in 45th and 35th LDs

Democ­rats’ hopes of retak­ing the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate this autumn may rest on the fate of the cam­paigns of first time can­di­dates Matt Isen­how­er and Irene Bowl­ing, if tonight’s elec­tion results are any indi­ca­tion. Isen­how­er, thir­­ty-four, is trail­ing incum­bent Repub­li­can Andy Hill in the 45th by just a few per­cent­age points. He’s out­per­form­ing every other […]