Today isn’t just Elec­tion Day in Wash­ing­ton; it’s also Elec­tion Day in New York, Vir­ginia, New Jer­sey, Alaba­ma, Col­orado, and many oth­er states.  The mar­quee race on the East Coast this year is the matchup between Tea Par­ty Repub­li­can Ken Cuc­cinel­li and estab­lish­ment Demo­c­rat Ter­ry McAu­li­ffe in Vir­ginia. This is the con­test that cable news net­works are focused on tonight, par­tic­u­lar­ly CNN.

As of around 5:53 PM Pacif­ic Stan­dard Time, with 1,725 of precincts report­ing, Ken Cuc­cinel­li had a slim lead over McAu­li­ffe. Ear­li­er in the evening, he led McAu­li­ffe by as much as eight points. Not anymore.

Gov­er­nor of Vir­ginia — as of 5:53 PM Pacific/8:53 PM Eastern
Repub­li­can Ken T. Cuc­cinel­li II:  47.52% (649,924 votes)
Demo­c­rat Ter­ry R. McAu­li­ffe: 45.22% (618,513 votes)
Lib­er­tar­i­an Robert C. Sarvis: 6.96% (95,163 votes)

These num­bers will con­tin­ue to change as results come in. The bot­tom line is, Cuc­cinel­li is doing well in areas of the state where Repub­li­cans tra­di­tion­al­ly dom­i­nate. But if Ter­ry McAu­li­ffe cap­tures the Dis­trict of Colum­bia sub­urbs, he’ll win. The coun­ties that are home to the D.C. sub­urbs tend to be slow in get­ting votes tab­u­lat­ed and report­ed — slow­er than the more rur­al coun­ties, anyway.

In the lieu­tenant gov­er­nor’s race, Demo­c­rat Ralph S. Northam had a com­fort­able lead over E.W. Jack­son, 53.17% to 46.61%, and seems on his way to vic­to­ry, giv­en that the votes yet to be count­ed will prob­a­bly break in his favor.

But Repub­li­can Mark D. Oben­shain is win­ning the race to suc­ceed Cuc­cinel­li as Attor­ney Gen­er­al over Demo­c­rat Mark R. Her­ring, 52.40% to 47.47%. We’ll have to see if Her­ring can close that gap. It won’t be easy.

Mean­while, Democ­rats were far­ing bet­ter in House of Del­e­gates con­tests than had been expect­ed. Dai­ly Kos’ Steve Singis­er has an update on those races:

5:49 PM PT (Steve Singis­er): As the night has wore on, the Vir­ginia House of Del­e­gates is show­ing signs of a bet­ter Demo­c­ra­t­ic night than pre­vi­ous­ly thought. Even though most of the leads are infin­i­tes­i­mal, five Democ­rats are now lead­ing against their GOP incum­bents. The good news for DK fans? Three of them are DK-endorsed can­di­dates: Kath­leen Mur­phy (HD-34), Jen­nifer Boysko (HD-86), and Rob Far­in­holt (HD-94). Our oth­er two can­di­dates (Atif Qarni and John Bell) are with­in a hand­ful of points. Two oth­er Democ­rats: Mon­ty Mason in HD-93 and Eliz­a­beth Miller in HD-32, also had leads.

The race between McAu­li­ffe and Cuc­cinel­li is obvi­ous­ly turn­ing out to be clos­er than what polling had sug­gest­ed. But it’s often the case that polls over­state the lead that a fron­trun­ner has, so it’s not too sur­pris­ing. Vir­ginia has been a Repub­li­can or  Repub­li­can-lean­ing state for a long time, and has only recent­ly begun to trend Demo­c­ra­t­ic, hav­ing now backed a Demo­c­rat for pres­i­dent in 2008 and 2012.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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