Today, Novem­ber 5th, and for the past cou­ple of weeks vot­ers in the small Seat­tle sub­urb of SeaT­ac have been cast­ing their bal­lots on a mea­sure, SeaT­ac Prop. 1, that would set a min­i­mum wage of $15/hr for air­port and hotel work­ers in the city. If this mea­sure pass­es we could see sim­i­lar action on cre­at­ing a min­i­mum wage that peo­ple can actu­al­ly live on in Seat­tle and across the coun­try. The out­looks of more than 6,300 work­ers could be made far brighter if their friends and neigh­bors decide to vote to give them a pay raise. They, and sup­port­ers of liv­able wages, anx­ious­ly await tonight’s results.

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