Posted inBreaking News, Civil Liberties, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Activists, artists, elected leaders react to the horrific tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut

The slaugh­ter of more than two dozen chil­dren and adults at Sandy Hook Ele­men­tary in New­town, Con­necti­cut is, with­out ques­tion, one of the most hor­rif­ic events we have gone through as a coun­try. No sur­prise, then, that it has become the chief top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion all over the coun­try.… in shops, offices, homes, and online. […]

Posted inBreaking News, Civil Liberties, Policy Topics, Public Planning

At least eighteen children and eight adults slaughtered at school in Connecticut

Dev­as­tat­ing, heart­break­ing, hor­ri­ble news out of New Eng­land this morn­ing: At least 27 peo­ple — includ­ing 18 chil­dren — were killed Fri­day morn­ing at a local ele­men­tary school, mark­ing the dead­liest shoot­ing ever in Con­necti­cut and one of the worst ever in the coun­try. The shoot­ing hap­pened at about 9:40 AM [6:40 AM Pacif­ic Time] […]