Posted inElections, Events, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: Michelle Obama electrifies Time Warner Cable Arena

That. Was. Incred­i­ble. If you’ve been fol­low­ing the DNC from home, then you just wit­nessed, along with us, one of the great­est speech­es ever deliv­ered at a Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion… Michelle Oba­ma’s cul­mi­nat­ing prime­time address, in which she elo­quent­ly laid out the case for Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma’s reelec­tion. To say that the speech was a […]

Posted inElections, Events, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: Washington State’s view inside Time Warner Cable Arena

Hel­lo again from Char­lotte! We are just an hour away now from being gaveled into ses­sion here at Time Warn­er Cable Are­na. To be hon­est, this are­na feels like the keep at the cen­ter of a giant urban fortress. I had to pass through sev­er­al lay­ers of secu­ri­ty to get in here, includ­ing a maget­nome­ter and […]

Posted inElections, Events, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: Schedule of speakers for Tuesday, September 4th, from the DNC

Good morn­ing from Char­lotte! Today is the sec­ond day of Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion week here in the Queen City. This after­noon, we will be offi­cial­ly gaveled into ses­sion by Con­ven­tion Chair and Los Ange­les May­or Anto­nio Vil­laraigosa. The DNCC (Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion Com­mit­tee) was kind enough to release a sched­ule of speak­ers for this evening’s […]