Posted inEconomic Security, Policy Topics

U.S. Department of Justice files suit to block AT&T/T‑Mobile merger

This news may come as as a nasty shock to Wall Street (which is used to sweet-talk­ing reg­u­la­tors into get­ting what it wants) but to us, it is a very pleas­ant and wel­come sur­prise: The Depart­ment of Jus­tice today filed a civ­il antitrust law­suit to block AT&T Inc.’s pro­posed acqui­si­tion of T‑Mobile USA Inc. The […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Technology

Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple

The man who cofound­ed Apple and led its remark­able turn­around, begin­ning in the late 1990s, announced this after­noon in a short, plain­­ly-word­ed let­ter that he was resign­ing as Apple’s chief exec­u­tive offi­cer, pre­sum­ably due to his health: To the Apple Board of Direc­tors and the Apple Com­mu­ni­ty:  I have always said if there ever came […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Earthquake strikes near D.C.: Nation’s capital gets a taste of a major hazard we live with

An hour ago, a sig­nif­i­cant earth­quake struck near one of the Unit­ed States’ most pop­u­lat­ed areas, caus­ing minor dam­age, dis­rupt­ing trav­el, and prompt­ing evac­u­a­tions of build­ings. But unusu­al­ly, the pop­u­lat­ed area that this quake affect­ed was not in Cal­i­for­nia, or on the Left Coast, or even west of the Rocky Moun­tains, where earth­quakes are an […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Policy Topics

NO on I‑1183 campaign gets big boost from Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America

The effort to pro­tect Wash­ing­ton State from Cost­co’s newest liquor pri­va­ti­za­tion scheme (Ini­tia­tive 1183, which will be in the Novem­ber bal­lot) has just received a mas­sive resource boost from a pow­er­ful nation­al trade orga­ni­za­tion. Last week, the Wine & Spir­its Whole­salers of Amer­i­ca wrote Pro­tect Our Com­mu­ni­ties (the cam­paign to defeat I‑1183) a series of […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

New coastal radar now online near Copalis Beach; local meteorologists thrilled

Thanks to the tire­less efforts of our two U.S. Sen­a­tors — par­tic­u­lar­ly our junior sen­a­tor, Maria Cantwell — the Pacif­ic North­west final­ly has a state-of-the-art Doppler radar sta­tion locat­ed on the coast, capa­ble of assist­ing mete­o­rol­o­gists in prepar­ing more accu­rate and use­ful fore­casts for our region. The radar sta­tion, which has been under­go­ing con­struc­tion since […]

Posted inElections

Winnowing election update: Not many ballots tabulated today; little to report

It looks like the turnout in the August 2011 win­now­ing elec­tion has crest­ed. In the days fol­low­ing elec­tion night, we saw steady improve­ment in the ratio of bal­lots cast to reg­is­tered vot­ers. But the num­bers hard­ly changed at all today. On Fri­day, the turnout ratio in the King Coun­ty Coun­cil Dis­trict #6 race was 30.37%. […]

Posted inElections

End of the week numbers are in for August winnowing election: Mitchell still gaining

Good after­noon! King Coun­ty Elec­tions has opt­ed to update results for the 2011 win­now­ing elec­tion a bit ear­ly today — so, hap­pi­ly, we’re able to break down new num­bers soon­er than we oth­er­wise would have. In the con­test for King Coun­ty Coun­cil, Dis­trict #6, Richard Mitchell con­tin­ues to climb… and Jane Hague con­tin­ues to slide. Mitchell […]

Posted inElections

Elizabeth Warren forms exploratory committee to consider U.S. Senate bid

In a move that is sure to bright­en the spir­its of pro­gres­sives across the Unit­ed States, con­sumer pro­tec­tion advo­cate and respect­ed law pro­fes­sor Eliz­a­beth War­ren has announced that she is form­ing an explorato­ry com­mit­tee to con­sid­er run­ning for U.S. Sen­ate in Mass­a­chu­setts as a Demo­c­rat: “I think this was always part of the plan,” said […]

Posted inElections

Richard Mitchell again widens lead in county council race; John Creighton admits defeat

Less than an hour ago, King Coun­ty Elec­tions updat­ed unof­fi­cial results for the August 16th win­now­ing elec­tion with a batch of fresh­­ly-tab­u­lat­ed bal­lots. The new num­bers con­firm that Richard Mitchell will be mov­ing on to the gen­er­al elec­tion with Jane Hague in the 6th Coun­ty Coun­cil dis­trict race, as we pro­ject­ed yes­ter­day. Here’s how the […]

Posted inElections

Richard Mitchell solidifies lead over John Creighton, will move on to general election

Moments ago, King Coun­ty Elec­tions updat­ed last night’s returns to reflect new­ly tab­u­lat­ed bal­lots. The updat­ed fig­ures show Demo­c­rat Richard Mitchell gain­ing ground in the con­test for King Coun­ty Coun­cil Dis­trict #6, with all of his rivals — incum­bent Repub­li­can Jane Hague includ­ed — los­ing ground. Mitchel­l’s per­cent­age of the vote went from 27.87% to […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Seattle decisively votes to bless construction of deep-bore tunnel for State Route 99

The State of Wash­ing­ton’s project to replace the aging, crum­bling Alaskan Way Viaduct has just received its final polit­i­cal green light. After endur­ing sev­er­al months of debates, forums, and adver­tise­ments, Seat­tle vot­ers have resound­ing­ly cho­sen to bless the con­struc­tion of a deep bore tun­nel under down­town. Ear­ly returns indi­cate a land­slide vic­to­ry for Let’s Move Forward, […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage

Richard Mitchell, Jane Hague emerge as finalists for King County Council District #6

Tonight, vot­ers end­ed a live­ly four-way con­test for a bat­tle­ground coun­ty coun­cil dis­trict by send­ing the old­est can­di­date (a well known incum­bent who has served sev­er­al terms) and the youngest can­di­date (a first time office-seek­er) on to the gen­er­al elec­tion for a Novem­ber matchup. In the returns just released by King Coun­ty Elec­tions, Repub­li­can Jane […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Elections, Policy Topics

Today is Election Day: Don’t forget to vote!

Today is win­now­ing elec­tion day across Wash­ing­ton State. Although it’s pos­si­ble that you’re one of our read­ers who lives in a juris­dic­tion where there is noth­ing on the bal­lot (and thus there is no bal­lot), chances are, you were sent a bal­lot with at least one con­test on it. Please don’t for­get to take your […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Policy Topics

Warren Buffett scolds the D.C. establishment: “Stop coddling the super-rich”

War­ren Buf­fett, one of the wealth­i­est men in the world and one of the U.S.‘s most suc­cess­ful investors, has a must-read guest col­umn in the New York Times this morn­ing which takes Amer­i­ca’s polit­i­cal lead­er­ship to task for not ask­ing the nation’s wealth­i­est fam­i­lies to pay their fair share in mem­ber­ship dues to our country. […]