The big day has almost arrived!

As many read­ers already know, tomor­row the NWroots Fel­low­ship and NPI are hold­ing the fourth NWroots Con­fer­ence in Pio­neer Square, Seat­tle, at Com­e­dy Under­ground and Fx McRo­ry’s.  We’ve got a fan­tas­tic line­up for the event, includ­ing Roger Good­man, Jay Inslee, WSLC Pres­i­dent Jeff John­son, Jim McDer­mott, Den­nis Kucinich, and for­mer Cana­di­an Min­is­ter of Health Ujjal Dosan­jh. We’re very much look­ing for­ward to see­ing many of you there!

If you haven’t reg­is­tered yet, we encour­age you to do so now. A few days ago, we intro­duced a half-day reg­is­tra­tion rate, which is per­fect if you can only come for either the morn­ing ses­sions or the after­noon ses­sions.  The half-day rate includes break­fast or lunch (but not both, unlike the stan­dard, full-day rate).

The fes­tiv­i­ties begin with break­fast and reg­is­tra­tion tomor­row morn­ing at 7:30 AM at Com­e­dy Under­ground.  The pro­gram gets under­way at 8:30 AM, and the morn­ing ses­sions con­clude at 11:30 AM, when lunch begins. The after­noon ses­sions run through 5:30 PM, with the can­di­dates’ social in between at 3 PM.

This con­fer­ence was one of our late board­mem­ber Lynn Allen’s favorite things. She and I orga­nized the first NWroots Con­fer­ence in 2006 in Olympia, which was the first for­mal net­roots + grass­roots gath­er­ing in the Pacif­ic North­west.  I’m hap­py to announce that, based on reg­is­tra­tions, we will be set­ting a new atten­dance record for NWroots tomor­row. I know that wher­ev­er Lynn is, she’s proud of our efforts and proud that we’re mak­ing this happen.

Again, if you’ve been think­ing about join­ing us in Pio­neer Square, I urge you to reg­is­ter now. It’s not too late. You can walk up and reg­is­ter tomor­row, but pre­reg­is­ter­ing gets you in the door faster and guar­an­tees you a meal ticket.

We hope to see you tomor­row at Com­e­dy Underground!

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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