Fol­low­ing Gov­er­nor Chris Gre­goire’s announce­ment this morn­ing that she would not be seek­ing a third term as Wash­ing­ton’s chief exec­u­tive, Pres­i­dent Oba­ma released a state­ment thank­ing her for her ser­vice and wish­ing her well in her future endeav­ors… which might include an impor­tant posi­tion in his administration.

I applaud Gov­er­nor Gre­goire for her decades of out­stand­ing ser­vice to the peo­ple of Wash­ing­ton. From Seat­tle to Pull­man, Gov. Gre­goire has demon­strat­ed relent­less deter­mi­na­tion in her efforts to fos­ter eco­nom­ic growth, strength­en the com­mu­ni­ties she serves and improve the lives of mil­lions of Amer­i­cans. As a fierce advo­cate for Amer­i­can busi­ness­es, she con­tin­ues to work tire­less­ly to pro­mote Amer­i­can goods, open up new mar­kets and strength­en Amer­i­can busi­ness­es abroad. As chair­woman of the Nation­al Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion, Gov. Gre­goire not only fos­ters strong bipar­ti­san­ship among her col­leagues, she helps build com­mon-sense solu­tions to some of our nation’s tough­est prob­lems. Michelle and I, along with the peo­ple of Wash­ing­ton, will miss her out­stand­ing lead­er­ship and thank her for her years of service.

We at NPI already miss Gov­er­nor Gregoire.

We miss the Gov­er­nor Gre­goire who shep­ard­ed the 2005 Trans­porta­tion Pack­age through the state­house. We miss the gov­er­nor who restored the estate tax. We miss the gov­er­nor who took on dif­fi­cult prob­lems, brought war­ring fac­tions to the table, and came up with solu­tions that did not just kick prob­lems down the road.

We wish that gov­er­nor were still in office.

POSTSCRIPT: The state Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty has just released a state­ment thank­ing Gre­goire and promis­ing to oppose Rob McKen­na’s can­di­da­cy for governor.

“Today, we thank Gov. Gre­goire for her lead­er­ship and ser­vice to the state of Wash­ing­ton, espe­cial­ly as the coun­try faced one of the most dif­fi­cult eco­nom­ic times in our his­to­ry. We were for­tu­nate to have a leader with Chris Gre­goire’s val­ues help­ing us to make these dif­fi­cult deci­sions,” said Dwight Pelz, chair­man of the Wash­ing­ton State Demo­c­ra­t­ic Party.

“We look for­ward to the upcom­ing gov­er­nor’s race, and will con­tin­ue to take on Rob McKen­na’s record of fail­ing to stand up for con­sumers and Wash­ing­ton’s mid­dle class.”

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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