Posted inElections

President Obama releases statement on Gregoire’s decision not to run in 2012

Fol­low­ing Gov­er­nor Chris Gre­goire’s announce­ment this morn­ing that she would not be seek­ing a third term as Wash­ing­ton’s chief exec­u­tive, Pres­i­dent Oba­ma released a state­ment thank­ing her for her ser­vice and wish­ing her well in her future endeav­ors… which might include an impor­tant posi­tion in his admin­is­tra­tion. I applaud Gov­er­nor Gre­goire for her decades of […]

Posted inElections

As expected, Gregoire announces that her second term as governor will be her last

Less than one hun­dred and twen­ty hours after Rob McKen­na announced that he would be run­ning for gov­er­nor as a Repub­li­can, Chris Gre­goire has revealed her own plans, say­ing that she will not be seek­ing a third term. At a press con­fer­ence at the exec­u­tive man­sion on the Capi­tol Cam­pus, Gre­goire reviewed some of her accomplishments […]

Posted inOpen Government, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Tim Eyman reveals that his old buddy Kemper Freeman Jr. is bankrolling I‑1125

When Tim Eyman announced a few weeks ago that he would be attempt­ing to qual­i­fy a mea­sure for this year’s bal­lot, we were imme­di­ate­ly sure that he had con­vinced some­body to put up a lot of cash to hire mer­ce­nary peti­tion­ers (because Tim does­n’t do vol­un­teer sig­na­ture dri­ves). On May 1st, I wrote the following: […]

Posted inMedia & Culture, Open Government, Policy Topics

Alaska begins releasing Sarah Palin emails

Today, many emails from Sarah Palin’s par­­tial­­ly-com­­plet­ed term as Alas­ka gov­er­nor were released.  So far, noth­ing too embar­rass­ing has come out, though the State of Alas­ka is still hold­ing back many doc­u­ments. Accord­ing to The Guardian, approx­i­mate­ly 2,358 pages are being with­held out of the 26,553 pages of emails that were iden­ti­fied in Decem­ber. The […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Filing Week 2011: A look at who’s filed in key races as of Thursday afternoon

June and the 2011 fil­ing peri­od for elect­ed office are upon us. All this week, elec­tions offi­cials around the state will be accept­ing for­mal dec­la­ra­tions of can­di­da­cy from Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who have decid­ed they want to run for office. Through­out the week, we’ll be keep­ing watch on who has filed in key races in King County […]

Posted inEducation, Elections

Rob McKenna makes his gubernatorial ambitions official… as if he needed to

This evening, in front of a friend­ly crowd at Sam­mamish High School in Belle­vue, and with his fam­i­ly by his side, Rob McKen­na announced what we’ve all known for some time: He wants to be gov­er­nor of Wash­ing­ton State. In a long, care­ful­ly script­ed speech, McKen­na laid out his agen­da, which most­ly con­sist­ed of a series […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Filing Week 2011: A look at who’s filed in key races as of Wednesday afternoon

June and the 2011 fil­ing peri­od for elect­ed office are upon us. All this week, elec­tions offi­cials around the state will be accept­ing for­mal dec­la­ra­tions of can­di­da­cy from Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who have decid­ed they want to run for office. Through­out the week, we’ll be keep­ing watch on who has filed in key races in King County […]

Posted inElections

Rob McKenna to officially launch gubernatorial campaign tomorrow in Bellevue

It’s been said that Wash­ing­ton State Attor­ney Gen­er­al Rob McKen­na’s guber­na­to­r­i­al ambi­tions are the biggest open secret in Wash­ing­ton pol­i­tics. Tomor­row, McKen­na is expect­ed to offi­cial­ly con­firm those ambi­tions (and more) when he for­mal­ly announces his 2012 cam­paign in Belle­vue. The King Coun­ty Repub­li­can Par­ty, act­ing as a proxy for McKen­na’s cam­paign, has rent­ed the […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Filing Week 2011: A look at who’s filed in key races as of Monday afternoon

June and the 2011 fil­ing peri­od for elect­ed office are upon us. All this week, elec­tions offi­cials around the state will be accept­ing for­mal dec­la­ra­tions of can­di­da­cy from Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who have decid­ed they want to run for office. Through­out the week, we’ll be keep­ing watch on who has filed in key races in King County […]

Posted inAnnouncements, Events

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer to speak at Netroots Nation

The line­up of speak­ers for the sixth annu­al Net­roots Nation is final­ly start­ing to fill out, with just a week and three days to go before the con­ven­tion begins. Orga­niz­ers announced this morn­ing that White House Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Direc­tor Dan Pfeif­fer will be par­tic­i­pat­ing in a ques­tion and answer ses­sion with atten­dees. Pfeif­fer will like­ly be […]