Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

Out of touch

Not since for­mer Pres­i­dent George H.W. Bush, who famous­ly could not fig­ure out how to use a price scan­ner at a gro­cery store, have we seen a politi­cian so out of touch with every­day peo­ple, as Mitt Rom­ney was today. Mr. Rom­ney, in a pho­ny, pathet­ic attempt at empa­thy, informed vot­ers today that he, too, […]

Posted inEvents, Media & Culture

LIVE from Minneapolis: That’s a wrap… Day One is officially done!

The first day of Net­roots Nation 2011 has come to a close. It was a long day, but a good day. We’ve met up with many old friends from con­ven­tions past, and made new ones. We attend­ed sev­er­al thought-pro­­vok­ing pan­els, explored the exhib­it hall, and became experts at nav­i­gat­ing Min­neapo­lis’ Sky­way sys­tem. And, of course, we […]

Posted inEvents, Media & Culture, World Commmunity

LIVE from Minneapolis: Building a stronger netroots community abroad

Here in the Unit­ed States, we don’t always hear about efforts abroad to uti­lize social media and devel­op new ways of orga­niz­ing online, because we don’t give our neigh­bors in the world com­mu­ni­ty much atten­tion. But we ought to, because pro­gres­sives in oth­er coun­tries are try­ing to make use of the Inter­net to bring about […]

Posted inEvents

LIVE from Minneapolis: Drew Westen, Tate Linden discuss keys to effective messaging

Good morn­ing from Min­neapo­lis! Today is the first day of Net­roots Nation, and the NPI team’s first full day in the Twin Cities. I’m at a break­out ses­sion called Get the Mes­sage?, orga­nized by Dar­cy Burn­er and fea­tur­ing Drew West­en and Tate Lin­den. The ses­sion was adver­tised as a pan­el, but it’s real­ly been more […]