Posted inCivil Liberties, Policy Topics, Technology

Researchers’ discovery demonstrates that Apple users don’t really own their devices

Two secu­ri­ty researchers inves­ti­gat­ing visu­al uses for geolo­ca­tion data revealed today that gad­get giant Apple has been secret­ly ship­ping spy­ware inside of its mobile oper­at­ing sys­tem (iOS) that con­stant­ly records its cus­tomers’ where­abouts. The dis­cov­ery, which has ignit­ed a firestorm of crit­i­cism, was first made pub­lic at O’Reil­ly Radar by the researchers (Alas­dair Allan and […]

Posted inOpen Government, Policy Topics

How do we change Congress and put an end to rampant corruption?

When our found­ing fathers put togeth­er our plan of gov­ern­ment at the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Con­ven­tion in Philadel­phia, they spent a great deal more time ham­mer­ing out the details that con­cern the leg­isla­tive branch (Con­gress) than the details that describe how the oth­er two branch­es are sup­posed to work. This was not acci­den­tal — our found­ing fathers believed […]