Join us a week from today for our Fifteenth Anniversary Picnic at Redmond's Perrigo Park! Our featured speakers will be Dr. Kim Schrier and State Senator Patty Kuderer. RSVP at (Photo: Lincoln Potter/Samaya LLC for NPI)

Join us a week from today for our Fifteenth Anniversary Picnic at Redmond's Perrigo Park! Our featured speakers will be Dr. Kim Schrier and State Senator Patty Kuderer. RSVP at (Photo: Lincoln Potter/Samaya LLC for NPI)

Join us a week from today for our Fifteenth Anniversary Picnic at Redmond's Perrigo Park! Our featured speakers will be Dr. Kim Schrier and State Senator Patty Kuderer. RSVP at (Photo: Lincoln Potter/Samaya LLC for NPI)