A tick­et­ed pas­sen­ger wield­ing a semi­au­to­mat­ic weapon opened fire at a Los Ange­les Inter­na­tion­al Air­port secu­ri­ty check­point and then pro­ceed­ed into the air­port’s Ter­mi­nal 3, where he con­tin­ued shoot­ing until he was con­front­ed by police, who then shot him, the Los Ange­les Times is report­ing.

Patrick Gan­non, the LAX police chief, said the gun­man entered Ter­mi­nal 3 at 9:20 AM. He pulled an assault rifle out of his bag and began fir­ing. He moved into the screen­ing area and con­tin­ued shoot­ing, Gan­non said. He got past the check­point and moved fur­ther into the terminal.

Author­i­ties tracked him down and shot him near a Burg­er King.

Ver­non Car­de­nas, 45, of West Hol­ly­wood said he was at the air­port on his way to Philadel­phia when the shoot­ing occurred.

“Sit­ting down, all of a sud­den, lit­er­al­ly just out of the blue, you hear a rum­ble in the back­ground and a cou­ple of sec­onds lat­er, peo­ple are run­ning at me,” said Car­de­nas, who does cast­ing for the Fox tele­vi­sion show “Mas­terChef.” He described the scene as “may­hem,” with cou­ples cry­ing and par­ents who couldn’t find their children.

The Times and oth­er media ini­tial­ly report­ed the gun­man was or might have been a Trans­porta­tion Secu­ri­ty Admin­is­tra­tion employ­ee, but law enforce­ment has now clar­i­fied they don’t think the gun­man ever worked for TSA.

Fur­ther­more, the shoot­er is now said to be alive and in crit­i­cal con­di­tion… he was pre­vi­ous­ly said to have been killed. It just goes to show how ear­ly report­ing about a tragedy like this can be laden with misinformation.

One TSA work­er was killed by the gun­man, and half a dozen oth­er indi­vid­u­als were report­ed­ly wound­ed, includ­ing sev­er­al TSA agents.

The shoot­ing has prompt­ed flight can­cel­la­tions and a halt to nor­mal oper­a­tions at LAX as author­i­ties try to stitch togeth­er what hap­pened. Some flights were rerout­ed to LA/Ontario Inter­na­tion­al Air­port, which is over fifty-six miles away. All flights were tem­porar­i­ly ground­ed in the imme­di­ate after­math of the shooting.

The White House said Pres­i­dent Oba­ma had been informed of the inci­dent and was mon­i­tor­ing devel­op­ments. The FBI has been put in charge of the investigation.

If the shoot­er sur­vives, per­haps we’ll be able to find out more about his motives (assum­ing the shoot­er was a male). Regard­less, it’s very sad that once again, sense­less gun vio­lence has claimed an inno­cent life and left oth­ers wounded.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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