Author­i­ties in Con­necti­cut have now released the names of the chil­dren and fac­ul­ty killed yes­ter­day morn­ing at Sandy Hook Ele­men­tary in New­town, Con­necti­cut. The over­whelm­ing major­i­ty of those killed were very young chil­dren, only six years old, as has been report­ed. Three of the chil­dren were sev­en years old. The adults (all women) ranged in age from twen­ty-sev­en to fifty-six.

Here are the names and ages of the deceased:

  • Mary Sher­lach, fifty-six
  • Anne Marie Mur­phy, fifty-two
  • Dawn Hock­sprung, forty-seven
  • Lau­ren Russeau, thirty
  • Rachel Davi­no, twenty-nine
  • Vic­to­ria Soto, twenty-seven
  • Chase Kowal­s­ki, seven
  • Daniel Bar­den, seven
  • Josephine Gay, seven
  • Char­lotte Bacon, six
  • Olivia Engel, six
  • Ana Mar­quez-Greene, six
  • Dylan Hock­ley, six
  • Made­line Hsu, six
  • Cather­ine Hub­bard, six
  • Jesse Lewis, six
  • James Mat­ti­oli, six
  • Grace McDon­nell, six
  • Emi­lie Park­er, six
  • Jack Pin­to, six
  • Noah Pozn­er, six
  • Car­o­line Pre­v­i­di, six
  • Jes­si­ca Rekos, six
  • Avielle Rich­man, six
  • Ben­jamin Wheel­er, six
  • Alli­son Wyatt, six

No doubt we will be hear­ing more about the lives of the vic­tims in the days to come as their fam­i­ly and friends remem­ber them and hon­or their memories.

We at NPI extend our most heart­felt con­do­lences to all affect­ed by this tragedy in New­town. It’s revolt­ing and sick­en­ing to imag­ine that any human being could be capa­ble of shoot­ing class­rooms full of inno­cent kindergartners.

Police are still inves­ti­gat­ing a motive. They have report­ed­ly uncov­ered some promis­ing evi­dence already, and they have been able to deter­mine that the alleged shoot­er did not walk into the school, but rather forced him­self in, which indi­cates the school had already tak­en pre­cau­tions to ensure the safe­ty of its pupils.

It appears the admin­is­tra­tors and teach­ers at Sandy Hook did all they could to pro­tect their young charges. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the assailant was armed with assault weapons, includ­ing a rifle… con­trap­tions which have no use­ful pur­pose except to injure or kill human beings. Bul­lets from those weapons (legal­ly pur­chased and owned by the shooter’s moth­er) appar­ent­ly killed all of the peo­ple list­ed above.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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3 replies on “Authorities release the names of those killed yesterday morning at Sandy Hook Elementary”

  1. I just want­ed to let you know how proud I am that you have had the courage to say the things you have said. Things that tru­ely need­ed to be said. Also that you had had the courage to hold to your con­vic­tions and not back down when pressed to do so by the press or by the com­ments made on dif­fer­ent media forms.

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