Posted inEvents, Party Politics

2012 Democratic National Convention shortened from four days to three, Obama to accept nomination in larger venue

This morn­ing, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Deb­bie Wasser­man Schultz made two impor­tant logis­ti­cal announce­ments about the forty-sev­enth qua­dren­ni­al meet­ing of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, sched­uled to take place in Char­lotte, North Car­oli­na, dur­ing the first full week of Sep­tem­ber. At a media event in the City of Trees, Schultz revealed that the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion will […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Policy Topics, Technology

NPI to participate in Internet strike against SOPA and PIPA on January 18th

Read­ers who are reg­u­lars at Red­dit or who close­ly fol­low tech­nol­o­gy news may have heard that the social news site is lead­ing the way in fer­ment­ing what’s being called an Inter­net strike against two destruc­tive, anti-Inter­net bills being pushed by Hol­ly­wood on Capi­tol Hill (the so-called “Stop Online Pira­cy Act” and the “Pro­tect IP Act”). […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Western Washington lowlands receive first (and maybe only) major snowfall of winter

It’s snow time! After sev­er­al weeks of most­ly dry/sometimes wet weath­er, Puget Sound and points to the north and the south are see­ing some sig­nif­i­cant snow… per­haps the only major snow event of win­ter 2012. The Nation­al Weath­er Ser­vice fore­cast for today and the next few days calls for plen­ty of snow show­ers. Tem­per­a­tures will remain fairly […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Policy Topics, Technology

White House signals that administration opposes SOPA and PIPA as currently written

Respond­ing to a pair of peti­tions call­ing on Pres­i­dent Oba­ma to take a stand against two bills that threat­en Inter­net free­dom (the so-called “Stop Online Pira­cy Act” and “Pro­tect IP”), three admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials have pub­lished a posi­tion paper on the White House web­site which sug­gests that the admin­is­tra­tion does not find SOPA or PIPA acceptable […]

Posted inElections

Suzan DelBene enters congressional sweepstakes in Washington’s new 1st District

End­ing weeks of spec­u­la­tion as to whether she would join the crowd­ed field of Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans who want to rep­re­sent Wash­ing­ton’s new 1st Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict, Suzan Del­Bene has offi­cial­ly declared her can­di­da­cy for U.S. House, say­ing she has the expe­ri­ence and the vision to rep­re­sent sub­ur­ban and rur­al King, Sno­homish, Skag­it, and Whatom counties. […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Let’s build a constructive future for our region in the Port of Seattle’s second century

Edi­tor’s Note: The fol­low­ing are the remarks that NPI’s Pres­i­dent, Gael Tar­leton, deliv­ered at the first reg­u­lar meet­ing of the Seat­tle Port Com­mis­sion for 2012, fol­low­ing her elec­tion as Pres­i­dent of the Com­mis­sion for the remain­der of the year.  Thank you, fel­low Com­mis­sion­ers, for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve this com­ing year as Pres­i­dent of the Port […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

NPI’s Gael Tarleton elected to serve as President of Seattle Port Commission

Ear­li­er this evening, the Seat­tle Port Com­mis­sion con­clud­ed its first meet­ing for the year 2012, at which Com­mis­sion­ers Bill Bryant and Gael Tar­leton (one of NPI’s found­ing board mem­bers) were sworn in for their sec­ond terms in office, fol­low­ing the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of the Novem­ber gen­er­al elec­tion a few weeks ago. The Com­mis­sion also elect­ed its officers […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage

Mitt Romney projected to win New Hampshire’s Republican presidential primary

Although most precincts have yet to report in, the tra­di­tion­al media has already declared Mitt Rom­ney the win­ner of the 2012 Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry in New Hamp­shire… and Rom­ney has tak­en to the stage to deliv­er an arro­­gan­t­­ly-word­ed vic­to­ry speech filled with bold promis­es that he has no abil­i­ty what­so­ev­er to ful­fill, along with a generous […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Education, Litigation, Policy Topics

Frank Blethen, self-proclaimed champion of higher education, doesn’t want Chris Gregoire intervening in lawsuit against I‑1053

A few days ago, Gov­er­nor Chris Gre­goire let it be known that she intends to ask the courts to rule on the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of Tim Eyman’s I‑1053, which was chal­lenged by a group of par­ents, teach­ers, and law­mak­ers in a law­suit last spring. Gre­goire is a defen­dant in the law­suit (which is being defend­ed by […]

Posted inAnnouncements

Help us track the action in the statehouse: Nominate a bill for the Olympia Newsriver

Reg­u­lar read­ers may recall that around this time last year, we launched a younger sib­ling to Pacif­ic NW Por­tal called the Olympia News­riv­er, which has the abil­i­ty to track what bills are mov­ing in the state­house on any giv­en day. The News­riv­er gets its name from Dave Win­er’s con­cept of a riv­er of news. It […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Economic Security, Policy Topics

Governor Chris Gregoire announces support for full marriage equality in 2012

In a major boost to Wash­ing­ton Unit­ed for Mar­riage’s efforts to make Wash­ing­ton the sev­enth state where mar­riage equal­i­ty is the law of the land, Gov­er­nor Chris Gre­goire this morn­ing declared her full sup­port for leg­is­la­tion to over­turn the state’s dis­crim­i­na­to­ry Defense of Mar­riage Act (DOMA) and per­mit gay and les­bian cou­ples to legal­ly wed […]

Posted inPublic Service

President appoints Richard Cordray to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Fed up with Repub­li­can obstruc­tion­ism in the U.S. Sen­ate, Pres­i­dent Oba­ma plans to announce that he is appoint­ing his nom­i­nee for Direc­tor of the Con­sumer Finan­cial Pro­tec­tion Bureau to the post effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly. Richard Cor­dray, fifty-two, pre­vi­ous­ly served as Ohio’s forty-ninth attor­ney gen­er­al before he was nom­i­nat­ed by the Pres­i­dent last July to run the […]

Posted inBreaking News, Elections, Party Politics

Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney win Iowa caucus

Fun­da­men­tal­ist Rick San­to­rum (a for­mer U.S. Sen­a­tor) and Repub­li­can estab­lish­ment favorite Mitt Rom­ney (a for­mer gov­er­nor) have pre­vailed in the first nom­i­nat­ing con­test of 2012, results released by the Iowa Repub­li­can Par­ty show. With 99% of the vote count­ed, Rom­ney and San­to­rum were almost exact­ly tied, sep­a­rat­ed by only a hand­ful of votes, while Ron […]