Kem­per Free­man must have a lot to lose on Elec­tion Day. A cam­paign mail piece that he sent to Belle­vue vot­ers this week, smear­ing pro­gres­sive city coun­cil can­di­date John Stokes, reeks of des­per­a­tion. Free­man had a dif­fi­cult time find­ing filth to throw at Stokes, who is run­ning against Freeman’s cho­sen can­di­date, Aaron Laing, so he dug up a cou­ple of small infrac­tions and weaved them togeth­er with innu­en­do to cre­ate an unusu­al­ly dirty hit piece for a local race.

Why is Free­man so des­per­ate to dam­age John Stokes’ reputation?

Does it have to do with light rail — which Kem­per wants to kill and Stokes pub­licly sup­ports? Or is it because Stokes has a vision for Belle­vue that cov­ers more than just Kemper’s down­town domain?

In his writ­ten rebut­tal to the smear, Stokes asks if Free­man is afraid of his “inde­pen­dence and ded­i­ca­tion to rep­re­sent all of Belle­vue, not just their [Freeman’s] interests?”

Free­man and two oth­er Belle­vue devel­op­ers cre­at­ed the “East­side Lead­er­ship” polit­i­cal action com­mit­tee and fund­ed it with $69,000, using almost $23,000 of the funds against Stokes and anoth­er like-mind­ed city coun­cil can­di­date, Clau­dia Bal­duc­ci, who is seek­ing reelection.

Anoth­er devel­op­er behind “East­side Lead­er­ship” is Robert Wal­lace, the father of Belle­vue coun­cil mem­ber Kevin Wal­lace. Kevin’s part of the coun­cil con­tin­gent that prefers a dif­fer­ent light rail align­ment from the align­ment that Belle­vue already agreed upon with Sound Tran­sit. This con­tro­ver­sy has delayed con­struc­tion by a year so far. Kevin has also endorsed Stokes’ oppo­nent, Aaron Laing.

Freeman’s hit piece implies that Stokes has nev­er been a licensed attor­ney, when the truth is that he prac­ticed law as a licensed attor­ney for forty years.

It implies that Stokes is hid­ing some­thing, and refers to a legal com­plaint made against him twen­ty years ago that was addressed.

The mail­er also claims that he is being inves­ti­gat­ed for “mul­ti­ple cam­paign law vio­la­tions,” which refers to a mis­fil­ing of cam­paign expen­di­tures which has already been cor­rect­ed. This hard­ly con­sti­tutes “a prob­lem with pro­fes­sion­al mis­con­duct” as the mail­er claims.

Kem­per Free­man is a very pow­er­ful spe­cial inter­est not only in Belle­vue, but across the state. Tim Eyman’s Ini­tia­tive 1125 is on the bal­lot thanks to his largess. Now, Free­man is try­ing to have his way with the Belle­vue city coun­cil. The pos­si­bil­i­ty that John Stokes may win has him rat­tled and he’s tak­ing no chances. His slimy attack on John Stokes’ rep­u­ta­tion is pure desperation.

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