Since real­i­ty show host and cor­po­rate blowhard Don­ald Trump has decid­ed to express his polit­i­cal views and go through the motions of being a seri­ous polit­i­cal can­di­date, we’re hap­py the treat him as one. While the Don­ald breath­less­ly blew his own horn this morn­ing regard­ing the Pres­i­den­t’s birth cer­tifi­cate (some­thing this shame­less self-pro­mot­er does fre­quent­ly),  he also took aim at Chi­na and its eco­nom­ic poli­cies, expos­ing him­self as a hypocrite.

While vis­it­ing a defense con­tract­ing firm in New Hamp­shire, Trump showed diplo­mat­ic skill not seen since the days of George W. Bush, when he crit­i­cized China.

“Chi­na is rap­ing this coun­try,” Trump told employ­ees at Wilcox Indus­tries, a com­pa­ny that man­u­fac­tures tac­ti­cal equip­ment for U.S. mil­i­tary forces.

These com­ments fol­lowed Trump’s ear­li­er remarks at a press con­fer­ence where he blast­ed Chi­na for “rip­ping off this country.”

Methinks the gent doth protest too much.

Guess whose men’s cloth­ing line is made in Chi­na? That’s right, the Don­ald J. Trump Col­lec­tion is pro­duced in Chi­na, where it would­n’t be sur­pris­ing if he is exploit­ing the cheap labor to pad his bot­tom line.

Now, Trump has long com­plained about Chi­nese cur­ren­cy “manip­u­la­tion” and has called for a large tar­iff on imports of prod­ucts from Chi­na in order to bol­ster U.S. man­u­fac­tur­ing. But he has also gone fur­ther, urg­ing Amer­i­cans to buy few­er prod­ucts from Chi­na, claim­ing that Chi­nese goods are shod­dy and main­tain­ing that, in his own busi­ness deal­ings, he favors Amer­i­can man­u­fac­tur­ing over Chi­nese manufacturing.

All of which makes it a lit­tle strange that Trump’s own brand of cloth­ing is made in China.

It’s hard­ly sur­pris­ing to us that the words and deeds of a cor­po­rate mag­nate such as Don­ald Trump do not match. If he is to run for Pres­i­dent, Mr. Trump can expect a full air­ing of his words and deeds.

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