Offering frequent news and analysis from the majestic Evergreen State and beyond, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's unconventional perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Friday, November 6, 2009

NO on I-1033 reaches 57% of vote statewide

Another day, another milestone for NO on Initiative 1033.

A day after Pierce County flipped to the light side, following in the lead of Benton County, which had done the same the day before, NO on I-1033's total percentage of the vote statewide has reached fifty seven percent. If the current trend continues, by the time of certification it should be past fifty eight percent.

No counties have changed their allegiances as of today's count, but there are several counties where I-1033 is barely passing and would be in the NO column except for a few votes. (Like Okanogan, where Eyman's initiative has a slim lead of only fifteen votes. That's less than one block of one town).

Mason, Chelan, and Grant are also close, but not as close as Okanogan. Mason has been trending NO in recent returns, and it's possible that it could be next to flip.

King County, meanwhile, is outstripping every other county in its quest to hold the title of most resounding opposition to I-1033. As of today, the NO vote in King County had topped sixty eight percent and was on its way to sixty nine. Pierce County, to the immediate south, has firmly shifted into the NO column with fifty one percent of the vote there against Initiative 1033.


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