Read a Pacific Northwest, liberal perspective on world, national, and local politics. From majestic Redmond, Washington - the Northwest Progressive Institute Advocate.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fiscal responsibility and the GOP

President Obama at his press conference today:
"When it comes to how we approach the issue of fiscal responsibility, again, it's a little hard for me to take criticism from folks about this recovery package after they've presided over a doubling of the national debt. I'm not sure they have a lot of credibility when it comes to fiscal responsibility."
Where were the fiscal conservatives when President Bush and his enablers in Congress were throwing money at defense contractors (no-bid contracts, anyone), Wall Street and their corporate cronies? They spent money for eight years like the proverbial sailor at a brothel. Even Monty Brewster would have been put to shame by Republican spending habits.

Just like Democrats were painted as soft on defense for a generation, the GOP no longer has any claim to fiscal responsibility, especially after guiding the economy into as dark and deep a place as has ever been seen. As Georgia10 stated on Daily Kos:
"Republican policies cannot give rise to bipartisan solutions. When the core philosophy of a party is that government cannot work and should do as little as possible, that philosophy benefits only those who have the resources necessary to sustain themselves regardless of whether the government is massive or whether it's so small you can drown it in a bathtub. From the chant of tax cuts at any cost to the fanatical focus on depriving the neediest of resources under the banner of "entitlement reform," Republican governance is aimed simply at helping those who need help the least."
The people voted for change in November and it's time that Republicans looked at the scoreboard. After eight years of failed policies, change has finally come.


Blogger David Smith said...

I believe most citizens share some concern over fiscal responsibility, whether GOP. DEM or some variety in between or on gthe fringe.

My concern is more for the definition of something listed in the Northwest Progressive Institute's statement of purpose.

Please define the term 'American Promise' and share whether this applies to all USA citizens or just those who subscribe to the liberal mindset.

February 22, 2009 8:59 PM  

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