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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McCain's military gaffe

Following in the footsteps of his running mate Sarah Palin, who last week named a Civil War general as the NATO Commander in Afghanistan, tonight Senator John McCain gave General David Petraeus a promotion: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
At around the 10:08 mark, John McCain calls General David Petraeus the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He actually heads up U.S. Central Command.
McCain's campaign will likely dismiss his remark and do a kabuki dance about his war hero status. But this isn't the first time McCain has promoted General Petraeus. He did it back on July 27 too.
MCCAIN: I believe that, when he said that we had to leave Iraq, and we had to be out by last March, and we had to have a date certain, that was in contravention to -- and still is -- the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General David Petraeus.
Are McCain's mental faculties not all there? Does McCain fail to learn from his mistakes? Either way, the man who touts his military record at every turn and acts as if he's the fountain of all knowledge with regard to the armed forces, should know that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is Admiral Mike Mullen. A Navy man ought to know that.


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