Read a Pacific Northwest, liberal perspective on world, national, and local politics. From majestic Redmond, Washington - the Northwest Progressive Institute Advocate.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

LIVE from Denver: Al Gore...magnificent

We've just heard Al Gore, one of the most honored and revered leaders in our party, deliver one of his most compelling speeches ever. Gore's welcome was so loud that Invesco Field shook with the power of rumbling thunder: tens of thousands of pounding feet, clapping hands, and cheers.

Gore began by reflecting on the attitudes of many Americans eight years ago, when the U.S. Supreme Court appointed George W. Bush president.

"Eight years ago, some said there was not much difference between the nominees of the two major parties and it didn't really matter who became president," Gore said.

"Our nation was enjoying peace and prosperity, and some assumed we would continue both, no matter the outcome. But here we all are in 2008 - and I doubt anyone would argue now that election didn't matter."

Al Gore walks onstage at Invesco Field

Later, he added: "Today, we face essentially the same choice we faced in 2000, though it may be even more obvious now, because John McCain, a man who has earned our respect on many levels, is now openly endorsing the policies of the Bush-Cheney White House and promising to actually continue them, the same policies all over again...Hey, I believe in recycling, but that's ridiculous."

Gore compared Obama to Lincoln, pointing out the many parallels between the two.

"Before he entered the White House, Abraham Lincoln's experience in elective office consisted of eight years in his state legislature in Springfield, Illinois, and one term in Congress, during which he showed courage and wisdom to oppose the invasion of another country in a war that was popular when it started but later condemned by history...The experience that Lincoln's supporters valued most in that race was his powerful ability to inspire hope in the future at a time of impasse."

"He was known chiefly as a clear thinker and a great orator with a passion for justice and a determination to heal the deep divisions of our land. He insisted on reaching past partisan and regional divides to exalt our common humanity."

As Bill Clinton put it last night....sound familiar?

Gore closed with a strong and stirring call to elect Barack Obama this November:
"As we bow in reverence, remember the words of the old proverb: "When you pray, move your feet."

And then let us leave here tonight and take the message of hope from Denver to every corner of our land and do everything we can to serve our nation, our world and our children and their future by electing Barack Obama president of the United States of America
Gore offers wisdom that America should have been benefiting from these last eight years. We hope Barack Obama will give him a distinguished role in his administration.


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