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Friday, August 03, 2007

Live from Chicago: Press coverage of YearlyKos

Devilstower has a front page post at DailyKos outlining some of the stories in the traditional media about YearlyKos. If you're interested in what traditional media are saying about the convention, be sure to follow the link.

Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly, who is here in Chicago with us, mentions me in his column this morning:
CHICAGO -- With just a hint of I-told-you-so, Redmond blogger-activist Andrew Villeneuve e-mailed me the news last month: "Hillary Clinton to attend YearlyKos."

The candidate, whose husband once courted centrist Democrats, was agreeing to display her wares to the anti-war, insurgent "Net roots" of the Democratic Party. Five other presidential hopefuls will also be on hand here for this weekend's convention. Not one of them made the just-ended convention of the Democratic Leadership Council, the centrist outfit that Bill Clinton used as a path to power.

The Internet has become a major force in American politics.
It's a fine piece of writing from Joel - I urge you to read the whole thing, and then read it again. I have been telling friends and political observers for months that I thought Hillary Clinton could not afford to pass up our YearlyKos Convention. And sure enough, she didn't.

There has been some confusion here about Hillary's non-participation in the presidential forum breakouts. Hillary is definitely participating in the general part of the forum with all the other confirmed candidates. But she is sending an adviser to lead her breakout session tomorrow. Why we're not exactly sure, but apparently the senator's schedule is tight.

This announcement was made late last night by convention organizers and received a very negative reaction. YearlyKos Executive Director Gina Cooper has insisted it is a misunderstanding and that Senator Clinton did not jilt the community by deciding to bail out of a breakout as the last moment. Gina said in a diary last night that Senator Clinton's campaign was "never under the impression that Senator Clinton would be attending" the breakout.

I asked Gina about the whole business when I saw her this morning, and all she would say is that it is developing. I gather they're trying to sort out the various exchanges that have occurred between the YearlyKos team and Senator Clinton's campaign staff. Given the number of people involved, I can understand how a mistake was made. I think a little more empathy and patience from attendees would be really beneficial. Let's not overreact.

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