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Monday, July 30, 2007

My how the mighty have fallen

Time Magazine's 2004 "Blog of the Year" rolls around on the ground, plaintively scraping up some thin justification for defending Alberto Gonzales. From Power Line, erstwhile experts on typewriters and other media plots:
Why then do we bother to defend him when we believe he's being unfairly attacked? First, Senate Democrats and their MSM helpers have no more right to level unfair charges against Gonzales than they did against John Roberts and Sam Alito, notwithstanding the greater merit of these two men. A smear is a smear. Second, it's important (and clearly legitimate) to expose smears by the likes of Leahy, Schumer, and Feingold (and in this case, unfortunately, Specter) in order to diminish their credibility when it comes to future battles in which they engage in similar conduct..
MSM helpers? Is that like Hamburger Helper or something? I know some of the press are salty sorts, but to put the blame for Gonzales on the press is stretching things. It's not like Dan Rather went up to Congress and couldn't remember anything that ever happened.

(Note to the Hamburger Helper people: please don't get mad at me, you can't hardly mention anything on the tubes these days without someone blowing a gasket over obscure references. It's just a play on words. Because "MSM helpers" is just so freaking stupid, ya know? I kind of imagine the big white oven mitt, singing the new hit song "MSM Helper, when you need to impeach someone....")

But the real reason to defend Gonzales is because Democrats are big meanies:
JOHN adds: I would add that the Democrats are bullies, and I don't like bullies.
That's priceless, coming from defenders of torture and staunch advocates of the well-oiled muscle as the only possible answer to most problems in the world. Now that they are getting their behinds whupped they want to play nice. There's nothing so delicious in politics as bitter irony, is there?

As I always say, you can't make this stuff up. People actually have to type it into their keyboard and hit "post." And remember, these folks are considered the smart ones on the conservative side. Of course, there's the down side that people who think like this have been installed all over our government, but we knew that.

One thing at a time, folks, and right now it's looking like that thing is the removal of Alberto Gonzales, either by resignation or impeachment. The Constitution needs to be restored, and ironically (imagine!) it needs to be restored to protect the rights of conservatives as much as anyone, seeing as they could wind up being in the political wilderness for a very, very long time.

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