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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Give me a head without hair

Obviously the only Democrat who is acceptable to the Beltway press corps would be a bald person. It's hair time again, and it starts to border on the ludicrous. The WaPo throws in one guilt paragraph:
While Democrats seem to get the most attention, Republicans have not been completely immune. Campaign aides to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the best-coiffed Republican candidate in the presidential race and the wealthiest of all the hopefuls, fretted in an internal document that his well-tended locks may be considered a negative. He has assured Massachusetts reporters that he spends no more than $50 for a trim.
Do I hear SuperCuts, anyone?

There better be an article about Fred Thompson's makeup tomorrow. You know, he's an actor. I bet he takes good care of his skin. That should be worth 1,500 words minimum.

Oh, it is going to be a long campaign. I'm not sure I can take a whole campaign of this. And the media wonders why people tend to hate them.

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