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Monday, March 19, 2007

In fact, it is kind of like "1984"

The San Francisco Chronicle follows up on speculation about the indentity of the creator of a blatant rip-off of Apple's famous "1984" ad. The so-called mashup ad was a hatchet job on Hillary Clinton by an (as of now) anonymous internet user.
Chris Finnie, a Santa Cruz-based Democratic operative, said the widespread coverage given to the "mashup" in GOP circles suggests the ad could have come from a Republican operative and smacks of "Swift Boat" tactics used in 2004 against Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

"It killed two birds with one stone," she said, by sharply attacking Clinton as being a political drone and smudging "Obama's positioning as the 'Mr. Clean' of politics. This is politics as usual, and by running a smear ad that is associated with him, it puts a dent in that image."
I've been waiting all day for someone to point that out. We'll see.

Could of been a Democrat, but it smells like a Republican hit. Either way, thank you to the anonymous internet jerk who ruined the greatest commercial ever made. If you are connected with any Democratic organization or campaign, may your saddle blanket be infested with a million fleas.

Hmmm...anonymous disinformation designed to pit citizen against citizen, available for easy viewing on a nearby tele-screen. Ironical, huh?

Next up: Mitt Romney is Head and Shoulders above the other GOP candidates, but Rudy can Feel the Tingle.

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