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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Too bad

Via Eschaton we are privileged to read this:
NBC News’ David Gregory bemoaned how political coverage has “become so polarized in this country…because it’s the internet and the blogs that have really used this White House press conferences to somehow support positions out in America, political views.” Tony Snow admitted he sometimes reads blogs (”I’ll occasionally punch it up”) only to find “wonderful, imaginative hateful stuff that comes flying out.”

Newsweek’s White House correspondent Richard Wolffe added, “[Bloggers] want us to play a role that isn’t really our role. Our role is to ask questions and get information. … It’s not a chance for the opposition to take on the government and grill them to a point where they throw their hands up and surrender.”
Or, you know, actually answer questions, although to be fair Gregory has tried in the past.

What the internet and blogs have done is allow many more people to see and understand how imperfect American journalism is. Me, for example. I used to walk around before the war in Iraq arguing that Democrats who constantly complained about the press didn't get it. Journalists are just human beings trying to do a job.

Which they are, but they are human beings trying to do a job in the midst of the largest and most underhanded attempt to manipulate them in United States history. It's understandable and maybe even forgivable that so many of them fall short, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't point out the obvious manipulation that takes place. If we hurt Judy Miller's feelings or Tim Russert's feelings, too bad. In many ways Miller and Russert and many others have chosen to be manipulated for career reasons.

Democracy is more important than them.

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