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Friday, February 23, 2007

Say no to a bigger, noisier, uglier viaduct

Our allies at the Not Another Elevated campaign have put together a new video clip which urges Seattle voters to reject a new aerial highway (Measure 2), in the March 13th special election. You can view the ad on YouTube.

If you're a Seattle resident, you may be surprised to learn the new viaduct won't be like the one we have now. It's not a rebuild. It is a new viaduct:
There's no hope of building a better viaduct. Because of earthquake and other safety requirements, a new elevated highway will be much bigger and much wider than the existing viaduct— at least fifty percent wider with shoulders and walls that will even take away the stunning view enjoyed by motorists. This huge new double-decker highway will permanently place even more of the downtown waterfront in shadow.
The people of Seattle have an important opportunity to let state leaders know it's time to rethink our approach to transportation. By voting NO on 2, you can help send the message.

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